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Hey everyone!

I hope all those who have played the demo have enjoyed it. I've fixed the few bugs and complaints that I've gotten so far, and just need to investigate one more possible bug before I upload a fixed version on Wednesday. After that, I'll start on the secret boss fight, and work on the cutscene and gallery content at the same time.

However, a slight delay to that plan is that I will be gone from the 17th of October until the 9th of November, a three-week absence as a friend from overseas is coming to visit. As such, I will be suspending my Patreon page so that nobody gets charged on the 1st of November. I just wouldn't feel right about it. But just be aware that I will be gone for that period, so there will be a three-week gap without any updates.

That's all for now! With any luck we may get to see a sprite for our secret boss sometime this week...





Thank you for the update.


I readed update and thinked the update was a new link of the game for let all funs play it... But I payed 1.83€ only for read something useful... I don't pay other 11€ for play a bugged demo.