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Hey everyone,

Just letting you know that I'm heading out of town with family on the 10th and won't be back until the 16th, so I'm afraid there won't be any uploads or streams from me next week.

In brighter news, with the completion of the grab move that I'm going to upload as soon as I'm done with this post, Roxxie is inching closer to completion. I have one more grab to do after this (which I don't really have a solid idea for, so suggestions welcome), and then I just need to do some KO animations for the rest of her regular attacks, like I did with the breast crush. It did also occur to me that I'll need to do some 'reset' animations for Roxxie if you escape her grabs, but those won't be particularly time-intensive or difficult.

I'm still weighing up whether I want to do the extra, secret bossfight I've had in mind for the Texas project for a while, or move straight to (probably) Time Wolf 2 after Roxxie's fight is fully complete, but I still have some time to decide on that yet. I also need to port Texas in Trouble over to Game Maker 2 at some point, and get some proper loading screens in there so it's not such a laptop-killing resource hog, but that will likely be after all other content is complete.

Anyway, I'll be back to streaming on the 18th, with more Macroxxie ass for you all, so until then stay safe and take care of yourselves.

See you in a week!




Thanks for the update. Have a safe trip. As far as a suggestions for the final grab, maybe have Roxxie pick Texas up and drop her in the backside of Roxxie's underwear.

Nick Davis

Enjoy yourself


Hopefully this family excursion is for a positive reason. I hope you have a good time/positive resolution.


You should do the secret boss fight, you know you want to~. And have fun on your trip! I hope it is a good one!