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Hi everyone!

The first demo of the Quantum Knight project is now available for download HERE and with it I'm launching the second Patreon page, splitting Texas in Trouble content to this one, and the Quantum Knight content to the new one, HERE

If you haven't been following the development, Quantum Knight is (ostensibly) a smaller, simpler project than TiT, a side-scrolling shoot-em-up starring the titular novice superheroine. Currently it just contains the first level, no bossfight, but with four unique game overs and the option to toggle gas content on/off.


Arrow Keys: Movement

X: Select/Shield

Z: Back/Shoot

C: Special Attack

As always, I thank you all for your continued support in allowing me to make these bizarre games. I'm hoping with this second page I can finally reach the long-sought goal of financial stability from these game projects, ensuring I can pump out these games for a long time to come. I have far too many game ideas, frankly, many of them impractically ambitious, but just the fact that I even get the chance to work on them? It's more than I could have ever hoped for.

Thank you all.



Nick Davis

Pretty dang fun demo. Those game over scenes are real nice. I think one issue I feel like beining up is the lack of invincibility frames. I often get struck by one projectile, and struck while in the hurt animation


The first demo is really good. In general, I did not meet any bugs trying to go through 3 times. However, there is a note. The boss can be killed in a matter of seconds if you frequently press the attack button. I wish the boss was harder...although it's the first level.


Definitely has a lot of potential, even if it's really short. Though, I wasn't really sure how to toggle to gas switch in the options


Thank you! And yes, I have had a few people mention that, so it's something I'll look into.


Thanks! And yeah, that's fair enough, but she actually isn't the first boss! Just a particularly hard enemy at the end of the level. The first boss is coming next!


I wasn't expecting a space shooter style game. lucky for me i'm alright at those. Happy to say i'll be supporting both pages.