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For all those who saw my earlier post featuring my cast of OCs from Universe 18, this should be no surprise.

I wanted to show how the new competitors stack up against the current ones, with the three big shots of Universe 18, Kiyo, Shu, and Tama, all standing on the sidelines and observing the battle. They've had to fend off a few attackers, with the boldest being Vegeta, who decides to take a shot at the biggest and baddest looking of the group.

Sadly, the Prince of Receding hairlines made two mistakes. The first is that the big ogre, Shu, isn't the strongest member of the team or the leader. Second, is that he underestimated how powerful Shu actually is (approximately a dozen times more powerful than Jiren).

This is proven when he launches a fully charged Final Flash at point blank range at his target's face... to hilarious results...




Lol whenever Vegeta's out here getting bodied, I'm having a good time. Can't help it 😂

Efiong Uwah

Zippie-doo-da Zippie-Dee-day Vegeta is going to die today


Universe 18 : *Not impressed* Gohan drops pants : Universe 18 : Well ... that will do some damage


He done goofed