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This first sketch is the main villain (one of the main villains, but definitely the most prominent and famous) of my Eyon Galaxies story. His position and appearance are very similar to Darth Vader, who helped me come up with the concept for this guy.

Grand Shadow Knight, Lord Gale, is the commander of the Norid Empire's forces and is the primary commander of Eclipse Squadron, the Norid Empire's 1st Fleet and Centre Force. There is a big backstory behind him, but I won't get into it here because, you know, SPOILERS, but the point is not only is this guy arguably the second highest ranking member of the Empire below the Emperor, he is also ridiculously powerful.

He can freely control Cosmic Dust- the primary energy source used in this story- can form various energy blades, objects and blasts out of it, and is capable of incredibly powerful telekinesis. He comes up against the most powerful warriors in this universe and, in almost every single engagement, he's able to wipe the floor with them with little difficulty.

He serves as the main antagonist and is constantly pursuing both Kida the Princess and the other heroes.



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