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Years after the defeat of Majin Buu, both Gohan and Videl are surprised to find Erasa on their doorstep. Having dropped by to visit and catch up with her old friends, the reappearance of the blonde reignites an old flame that'd secretly burned between both herself and Gohan- the two friends unable to keep their eyes off of one another.

Being the hospitable couple, Gohan and Videl invite Erasa for dinner and to stay the night, which the blonde happily accepts.

Later, after everyone has turned in (and following an obviously tiring round of love making between Gohan and Videl), Erasa sneaks into the couple's room, seduces Gohan, and the two go at it with renewed passion. The pair cement their longing and love for one another, all while Videl is asleep beside them.

A concept I hope to explore in further depth later. Bare in mind this isn't part of the Golden Age storyline everyone has been keeping up with, but with the canon timeline of Universe 7.

Hope you all enjoy. :)




😉 I love how pro Gohan you are


damn gohan is such a playboy ;)


Heavy sleeper that Videl


Goddamn, I was more distracted by Videl's jugs than Erasa.


Your art style is getting really good are you trying something new lately


Not just yet. It's probably because this one came out better than usual, lol. But I will be trying something new soon.