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So many plot teases! Given these are essentially old school 'royal families' that have been around for centuries, they are likely pretty large, so people with the same family name could still be rather distantly related, so Mjolsgard is likely a distant cousin to Doffy. Boonie and Kuma.... so many questions, and the titles they gave here make it even more complicated. Kuma was the former king of the Sorbet Kingdom, while 'Connie' was listed as the Queen-Dowager of the same kingdom. "Dowager" denotes that she married into the title but her husband is now dead.


Oh, fun fact, Dr. Kureha is wearing a shirt that says 100 berries, which is chopper's bounty at the reverie.

Ryuuji Gremory

One idea that would pop up is that if she isn't the Queen Dowager herself is that she might be the daughter or granddaughter of the actual Queen Dowager of Sorbert Kingdom, considering her old form was recognized on sight as Connie.