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Hey y'all, I know this last week was a little lighter on uploads.

For those unaware, there's a giant {redacted} issuing take down notices for content on Patreon and even being petty and striking YouTube channels as punishment. I am one of those that has received at least one strike. 

So this week has been filled with deleting videos, shifting content, shifting schedules, and eventually re uploading things to YouTube. 

Adding on top of all of this, Saturday night, my dog got really sick and I was at the emergency vet with him until 5am that Sunday. So it's been a week of fixing him specially prepared meals, monitoring him, and forcing medicine down his throat like I was wrestling lions in a gladiatorial arena.

Just wanted to give y'all a heads up on everything going on. Hopefully the normal upload schedule is back on Monday.



No worrys boom. Life happens sometimes. Hope your dog is recovering well and you dont get more problems with the cooyright shitstorm


hope the pups feels better soon

Ben Asay

I sort of understand Boom seriously no worries.. life comes first. My dad and big brother just passed within a month of eachother. My life is spinning. You, and Ruff and Nani No Anime are a huge help, having great content to watch. I appreciate all the hard work you guys do!


Depending on how strict your dog's diet is and if they're on pills or not, you can buy greenies Pill pockets or just wrap it up in some craft singles.


It's a liquid I have to syringe into their mouth. Since they're a pitbull, he can lock his jaws like a bank vault


Yeah I don't envy that, opening their mouths can take divine intervention sometimes. I say this as someone whose worked with wildlife for years. I've given meds to everything from bald eagles and great horned owls, to possums and foxes.


Boom no worries, life can just sneak up and gut punch you like that, we get it. You gotta go at the pace that you can in that particular moment. Best love and wishes for you and your dog.

Ben Asay

Thank you Boom. I'm still in shock, we all are he was only 43, ten years younger than me. Life is definitely testing me. I appreciate you taking the time to respond.

Ben Asay

I also hope your dog feels better dude, I'm sure he will recover in no time!


when it rains, it pours. I hope your dog recovers, and hopefully you can get the videos worked out. Pupper comes first though.