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op 543-544 patreon

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Oh the look on your face when your sound board messed up again. LOL This was a great reaction. We are going through some very hard stories and touchy topics.


I just now remembered that Macro and those two others were the ones that tried to kidnap Camie! Like, wow! They fought for a man who was known for freeing slaves, and being a slave, and they go and try to SELL OFF ONE OF THEIR OWN YEARS LATER! And we thought Arlong was the only black heart among them.


It really is amazing how well Oda can make you understand why someone is an asshole and doing the horrible things they are, and even feel sorry for them in a way for having gone through what they did, without ever justifying it or excusing what they are doing.


I like the arcs from here on because they kinda come full circle again, with even better backstories because they tie in.


It takes a great deal of courage and strength to combat prejudice in others. It takes a great deal more to combat prejudice in yourself.


Arlong Park was built and named as such because of Sabaody Park. Oda goes wild with the character depth reveal. Up till now Arlong had been a mustache twirling, but admittedly one-dimensional villain. Now we know what informs his virulent prejudice against humans.


oooh i forgot about inflation so 250 mil back then must be way more in luffy's time