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I've had a handful of people reach out asking about the possibility of an early access tier. The tier would essentially be a few days to a week ahead of regular uploads. I know Ruff and Fax currently have a system like this. I would also most likely roll this into a current tier as an extra perk. That being said, I wouldn't hold back what I'm currently recording to create distance. I would record extra.

Figure I'd throw this poll out there since there was interest.


Mithril Lace

Considering my nine year old nephew is hounding me daily “did Boom or Ruff post?!” Anything is appreciated lol


As long as it fits into your process, without inconveniencing you then I'm down. I wish my workplace bothered to even consider this stuff lol. Employee burnout? Inconceivable!

Luis CK

Honestly I've had a pretty bad time with those because it divides your community and in that division, I'd like to be in the higher tier to be “in sync” with the creator which I can't really afford. One of the things I like about your channel is that I can pretty much discuss the episodes when they're fresh to you, I rather not lose that, but if you need it as a backup system to not miss any scheduled days, get time off and/or most people want it, go ahead. Personally I would rather have some misses, but that's personal preference. In case of the tier being created, I would do the same as I do with Ruff and pay one month and one month I don't (if it costs $10, for example) I suggested Ruff to do it with just $1 or $2 more over the current tier since he described the measure as something the community requested and “he wouldn't put more effort, it was just to ignore the schedule and post ASAP for those who want it”. So, in summary. If it's something that will help you, go ahead, but I'm not a big fan


Is there gonna be A Op tonight? + I liked your idea if its possible just do it.

Luis CK

Would vote “maybe” if it were an option


Hey, if this helps you do this full time I'm for it *gets ready for work :(*


Yes, it will be up in the next hour or so. Had to record the One Piece Manga Bros Podcast first


it depends on how you would use the early tier. if its because you want to watch a certain anime without needing to follow your schedule then that would be a good idea.


as a longtime ruff sub just know to make sure you indicate VERY well that tier doesnt have a schedule or guaranteed like week early drops, so many ppl complained in ruff comments even tho it was clearly stated and a bunch were banned lol,


Im still new here so problably not going to upgrade my tier just yet if it comes, i have a lot to watch, but eventually is a possibility.


so what youre saying is....a bigger and better...ONE PIECE DAYYYYYYYYYYYYYY?!! I love it