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Viewer Suggestion - Maurice - Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood Episode 11 & 12

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I would love to see more of FMAB especially since you seem to enjoy it that much. I just love those character deepening episodes even tho some might not like them because they aren't as action packed as other shounen do but the next episodes contain more action I can say that much :D FMAB rushes the beginning a bit so the character aren't as deep in the beginning as in the original but I still think they did a great job introducing and deepening the characters, especially Ed, Al and Winry. That's why I love episodes 11 and 12 so much cause it shows that Arakawa really cared about all characters and not only the main 2 like some other series maybe tend to do cause Winry of course would feel like she needs to help Ed as much as she can since they try so hard themselves even tho she really did much in the past for example solving conflicts and making the automails. Also of course showing the teachers backstory a bit^^


And btw I changed my name from Maurice to Profi206 cause I'm called Profi206 as well on Twitch to stop confusion but you can still refer to me as Maurice of course xD