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op 379-381 patreon

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For the Youtube version, you probably won't need to worry too much about copyright from Binks Sake playing. It's pretty much like any other in-episode OST, it's not an Opening or Ending, so it doesn't have any big music company that'll go after it. Worst would be Toei themselves, but let's be real, they're going after One Piece content on Youtube regardless of what you've got in it.


"I love that frickin' whale" Welcome to the club!


Oda actually intended Bink's Booze to be a song for children that could be sung in schools, but the reference to booze/sake sort of tanked that unfortunately. It's a real bop though!


Great video as always! Yet another member joins the crew!


No matter how often I watch these episodes they get me every single time. BTW The disease isn't the same as Nami's cause her's wasn't infectious like his was. This and other moments yet to come for you are what makes Brook my favorite Straw Hat today. He cruised 50 years alone on his boat. He got a little crazy and all but he never lost his laughter and humour even tho he could have and like Franky said could have killed himself because it would have been easy to just jump out into the sea. One Piece made a big impact on me cause I was watching it as a kid and now I get to relive it with other people as an adult. And this particular Backstory will hopefully help me or others to never loose laughter and humour even if something bad happens because Brook endured 50 years of pain and it did get better for him as well and he and we all can be happy to be alive :) And I'd like to think that Brook's rebirth after he died (these episodes), cause I don't think he really felt alive these 50 years even tho he said the song of his crew made him feel alive, will also happen to us if we eventually pass away and we will be "reborn" in a better world with fun and adventures and that it's not the end of everything but the passing away of everything bad and bothersome in this world and life. Not that we would go on adventures with the Straw Hats but I think those who read this will see what I mean xD Sorry for the little detour but I was just in the flow and wanted to get this out to some and figured that would be a good situation even tho maybe not everyone understands or can relate to what I wrote. But I think those who don't, won't read the comment till the end regardless xD P.S Thank You Boom for the reaction and see you in the new Arc!


I'm sorry btw if anything isn't in proper english cause it's not my first language and especially long texts like this make me feel worried that maybe not everyone will really understand what I mean or wanted to get across xD


Brook's Backstory breaks me EVERY SINGLE TIME. After this you can't blame Brook for going insane. 50 years alone on the ship where all of his crew mates died and he had to bury each and every single one of them, even having them literally DIE around you while you couldn't. Just think about how depressing that actually must have been. And i know that scene where he's rolling around and doing the 45 degrees pose is meant as a comedic moment, but if you REALLY think about it, it's not funny at all. It's REALLY REALLY sad

F. Carasind

There is a nice little easter egg in the Laboon/Crocus scene that "continues" the Water 7 story. In the newspaper it is shown that Iceburg searches for a new secretary.

Right-Hand Man

Brook's transition scene with him running on the water and then displaying his violin, music sheets, and tea is so cool. Don't know if you noticed but Zoro's was changed. Yubashiri was replaced and now Shushui is laying next to Kuina's Sword (Wado Ichimonji) and Kitetsu III.


oh god. the next arc. its gonna be nuts, im sooo excited!!!


I love the stripped down part of the song where it cuts to just Brook singing at 39:28. It sounds super lonely.


And the text also changes cause Brook wrote his own part basically

Josep Guilaña

Man i love that bag of bones


Damn... while not the most tragic backstory among the crew (Robin holds that one easily), Brooks is still the one that just hits me right in the feels from start to finish every single time. Yo-ho-ho! Now onward to the next epic saga... Or potentially movie, cause this is the spot to watch One Piece: Strong World

Luis CK

IMO Brook had it worse than anyone. 50 years alone. I've felt that way for two and I want to kill myself, think that Brook would've done if it weren't for Laboon (Chat with Franky). I actually think is more thrilling and in this case, better, to lose everything and live on the run that lose everything and being stuck for 50 years feeling the pain of Laboon as well as your pain because you don't know if you'll be able to fulfill the promise you made and the burden it is as long as you live.

Luis CK

Fishman island!

Luis CK

You got me thinking “yo' mama's so fat” jokes on Lola's mom, lol

Luis CK

A random comment, I see you opening your mouth a lot. Maybe it's for yawning, but I had my jaw stuck and had to do that often for like for a year. It fixed once I punched myself out of frustration (unrelated matter), so if it is the same, maybe go to a doc :p


Stiff neck from staring at a screen all day. My jaw will get stiff and I just stretch it back out. I try not to do it too much on camera. Literally everyone in my family deals with it. The tension has just been worse because of the added strain of the last month lol Of course I say all of this and I actually mute when I yawn, so that could also be it.


Robin's backstory is the most sad, but Brook's might be the most depressing, because the fate of his crew is likely pretty common in the OP world; it's just that there's usually not a formerly-dead guy around who knows exactly what happened. His laugh is iconic and also tinged with madness now; if you count up the years, he's spent more than half his life (lives?) alone on that ghost ship, with just his dead mates for companionship. This tangentially shows how good Luffy's crew is; outside the monstrous fighting power, they also have an almost-psychic navigator, a doctor trained to treat all sorts of odd diseases, and now they have a super-sturdy ship and an accompanying world-class shipwright/mechanic. And even they sometimes barely survive the Grand Line. Most other pirate crews unfortunately suffer the same fate as Brook's in the Grand Line.


God I love thriller bark so much... such a great set of episodes to end a arc on. Very excited to see the next arc... lets just say it only gets better!


You could say that lolas mom would have to be a big woman….


Brook removing the mask and taking Yorkies hand was just hearth wrenching. We all were masks now, I haven't seen any one smile for so long


Luffy is the rubber band that keeps them all together. He is their ray of light yeah:)


the dude looked like cobra more than lucci

Cloud Kitsune

While I can definitely see the resemblance of that man being like Lucci (or even Cobra), it was 50 years ago, and most were over 30... So, it's possible he's Lucci's grandfather? Pirates do get around. XD


the reason that Crocus said that the pirates ran away from the grandline instead of dying was because Yorkie pulled out of the grandline ahead of everyone else, he didn't know that it wasn't the entire crew so he just assumed they all ran away and abandoned their promise to Laboon