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OP 276-278 patreon

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OMG you are boss. Two in one day! To quote the person above me... welp time to cry.

Gus N

The five filler episodes after this are all recaps. I believe this was a part in the show's timeline where they were switching channels or schedules or something. Anyway, there is still some stuff in these you should watch on stream or something: They have a different opening song, which is the first opening (We Are!), but sung by the Straw Hat's voice actors. At the end of each episode after the "To Be Continued" screen, there are cute funny short episodes with chibi Straw Hats, kinda like Petite Clover in Black Clover.


10th-ish time, still cried like a bitch. Will every time. Next five episodes are filler/recap, pick it up at 284, just be aware there is a bit of a longer recap of the last part of 278 at the start of 284. 291, 292 and 303 are filler. I hate to do this to you... but I recommend doing the same thing you did here for 308-312, I forgot about them when I brought up this set earlier. Just a quick prep, these episode were an 8.5 on the feels scale, 308-312 is a 10 imo. Thanks for the reactions. There are no paired episodes above 3 at a time (I think) until episode 400ish.

Gus N

I'm sure someone told you back when we met him, but Kuzan is Aokiji, he was just a Vice Admiral back then. When people are promoted to Admirals, they're given codenames. Aokiji means Blue Pheasant, and the others' codenames have been mentioned in passing, but I'll save that for when they're introduced.


SO I was right initially. What messed me up was the timing. Wasn't sure how old Aokiji was

Mithril Lace

WE CRY TOGETHERRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. And yeah Kuzan is Aokiji. That was what he meant when he said he let her go once before - he was referring to Ohara. Also I forget how old Robin was when she joined Crocodile. The shot right before when she was 16 was another interim of betraying/being betrayed by other groups.


Yeah, it never doesn't hit you right in the feels. Just, every bit of it is just so good at putting your emotions through a wringer, and making you love it for doing so. Yeah, this is the peak of what makes One Piece so damn amazing, and easily one of the top three greatest scenes in the story, alongside Nami's "Luffy, help me" and.... well one more you still have waiting.


She was with Boroque Works for four years, so she'd be 24 or 25 when she met Croc.


"I WANT TO LIVE!!!" I'm crying so much


- I highly recommend *not* watching 279-283, even on stream, as they're mostly recap clip shows of each Straw Hat's backstory; 283 actually recaps Water 7 and the flashback you just finished watching for Robin. In fact, I think it's worse for you if you do watch them; the start and end of each recap is framed with a cut-up spoiler of episode 284 that's missing a good amount of context, so it's actually more confusing to watch the recaps than skipping directly to 284. The end of each recap episode does have a small "Straw Hat Theater" joke segment after the To Be Continued that's unrelated to the plot (like the "Petit Clover" bits from Black Clover), so if you want to watch just those bits while skipping the recap/spoilers, here's the timestamps to jump to for each episode (taken from Crunchyroll): [279] 20:30 [280] 19:07 [281] 19:55 [282] 20:35 [283] 20:23 - Ugh, this is one of the flashbacks I have a hard time watching again. As you mentioned, even though every Straw Hat has some tragedy in their past, Robin in particular has had almost no positive influence growing up, and what little she did have was literally blown up by the World Government. She's been hunted and alone for 20 years, and when she finally finds some friends the WG comes swooping in and threatens to explode them too. It's heartbreaking that such a brilliant and capable woman has been ground down to have so little self-worth. - As much as I love Robin's voice actress, it's a little distracting that her mom not only looks like her but also sounds exactly like her. - "I want to live!" gives me chills every time.


Ooof there it is. That iconic moment. That's that One Piece Pain Train. The next recommended video grouping is 308 to 312. I highly recommend that you record all of those in one shot. But if the situation requires you to break up the episodes, I'd say 308-309 in one video and 310-311-312 to close out the arc. 308-309-310 and 311-312 could work too in terms of the peaks of the plotline, but grouping it that way may not be as thematically cohesive, imho.


Remember that shot where Robin is on the train and sees the Merry burning in imaginary blue flames? That was her imagining the strawhats being obliterated by the Buster Call.


Yep, realized I was originally right when I was editing. Also as far as the Olvia thing goes, the subtitles have been wrong before, and years of drumming without ear plugs means some things I don't immediately pick up when listening.


Im not crying for the 10th time I swear its just onions im chopping at 4am 😭😭 "NO READING THE TITTLE!... its against the rules😔....." You voice tone went south fast.... Some navy I do hate some i really like but some are thin lined because of thier actions, but you can see they heart wants to do other things Idk if you pay to much attention to Sengoku but as navy admiral he knows the vice admirals powers so when Spandine said his boat oar randomly froze he knew why he didnt say anything to Kuzan. Sengoku is another thin line navy person for me


God dammit sad Saga...


Robin's backstory is best backstory for me it is equal to Luffy's . I am sure you noticed by now but we didn't see Luffy's backstory yet. İ hope i didn't spoil anything for you.


her backstory is just...so...so horrible and hurtful, fuck you oda, for real.. i just especially cant handle stuff that has kids, and especially little girls, get hurt and getting sad, it just destroys me every time lmao so this one is my nemesis specifically haha...


It's a clue here that could lead us to another clue in the recent chapters and so the story goes on...


I swear we need a counter for how many times Boom keeps saying “I hate this show” while continuing to watch it.