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op 167 168 169 patreon

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Josep Guilaña

Ah yes, Eneru or Eminem for the Friends 😂




I feel like like the pacing of this arc is not to bad because if it didn't contain the information it did you would be lost and it sets up future arcs, Gon Fall is the only Skypian with dirt on hes land you cant grow pumpkins with clouds


Wyper has part of a good point, but is way too much of an asshole to be actually right. The whole war would have been over by now if he wasn't such a hot headed ass about everything. Gan-Fal was willing to negotiate and to let the Shandians come back to Upper Yard, he was just unwilling to take any use of it away from his people. he's not wrong that the current Skypians are innocent, this is all things that happened hundreds of years ago, currently, both sides have claims to it and need it, Gan-Fal was willing to negotiate to let both sides do so. Wyper was just being an ass and refusing to even consider anything but "I get everything I want, you all fuck off and die." The core issue is understandable, but Wyper takes it too far and is ultimately self defeating in his unwillingness to accept anything but things being exactly how he wants it.

Cloud Kitsune

I love this arc, it's actually one of my favorites. I think it's much faster then Alabasta, which felt like it dragged to me, especially when walking through the desert, so many episodes felt like pointless filler. Skypiea, on the other hand, feels less dragged out and filled up with more gags/jokes and happy moments between the crew, and I just eat that UP~! Plus the mystery as it reveals itself about Upper Yard being a part of Jaya.... I love-love-love it~!!!


I think a problem of this English transition is that it refers every creature as he/him. But actually in the original Japanese conversations, most of the time is that person or that thing. I found it sometimes super confusing.