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So we've been doing a back and forth on two routes for quite a while now and things are finally starting to pick up . What do you guys think of it? While it does help keep the story focus we also realize that it can get a bit tiresome.

We want to know what you think. Below you'll find a link to a poll asking if you'd rather us stick with what we're doing now, or go back to voting for a route each month. If you have other suggestions for ways to make this more interesting for all please say so in the comments and we might put up another vote.




I say finish up Carl and Leo first.


At least finish Leo or Carl before starting another route.


I wouldn't mind seeing the other 3 routes updated once each then moving back to carl/leo.


As much as I'd love to see all of the routes develop at the same time, I think it'd be most productive to stay with Carl and Leo for the time being.


What do you guys think will enable you to be the most productive?


From what I understand of each route's intended length, we still have at least another year or so worth of development time before Carl and Leo's routes are both finished. I think you stand to lose a lot of people who are waiting on other characters' arcs to progress if you stick with the current way forward. I think the best thing to do would be to get Carl and Leo to a certain spot where you feel comfortable pressing the pause button for a while, a logical "end of act 1" if you will. Maybe after they both have their first major rub with the supernatural. Then, pivot to a couple other routes for a while until they're similarly caught up, then hold another vote to see who goes forward. Just my 2 cents. Of course there's no way to please everyone.


I gotta go with CG here. While you guys say it helps on the story focus, it does kind of leave the other routes in the dust. I would like to see Leo's and Carl's routes finished, but there are other characters I'd like to see a bit of also, and considering the amount of work you guys plan on for this project, it may take quite a bit of time. If there was a way of doing like a vote every other month, while still focusing on Leo and Carl in between, that'd be kind of cool.


As suggested below, it would be great to see the other routes evolve as well. One of my fears for this "complete one route" approach is that it may reveal too much of the plot, as we will have a better understanding where do you want to take Echo, and I don't want it to spoil the mystery that is an important element to the story. Keeping the routes relatively close to each other I guess can ensure that there will be no such spoilers. On the other hand, it really also depends what format supports your work more, and that only you can tell.


I think the writers should write as they feel, its good for the people to play the lines they like but sometimes I find writing stories, I some times just need to write something different and forcing it can be damaging to the motivation