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Hello all,

Lately we've been thinking about increasing the resolution of the VN. Originally it was set at 800x600, mainly due to the fact that that was the default and many other VNs were set in that resolution. Toki suggested that we increase the resolution to make his UI work easier, along with increasing the quality of the overall product. The downside to this is that the file size will be a bit bigger.

So we've decided to put up a vote to get an idea of what you guys think. Attached you'll find two screenshots; one in the original resolution, the other in the proposed 1024x768 resolution.

Are you fine with the current resolution and would prefer a smaller download file, or do you think a higher resolution is more important due to higher image quality, despite the larger file size it will create? When you've decided go ahead and vote through the link below.





The higher resolution the better! You only download the game once but you play it for hours and hours.


I agree. Higher resolution makes for a better game, and I'm fine with waiting the extra minute or so to download.


Honestly to me difference in quality is barely noticeable, but if it makes things easier I'm all for the higher resolution.


file size is something I don’t mind, your work has been fantastic so if it make life easier for you then go with it


A little file size increase shouldn't be a problem, especially if it equals higher quality in the end. And not just quality in how it looks, but the UI also. I say go for it. ^^