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WIN: https://www.mediafire.com/file/7lv50k688ynf8kg/Arches-1.0-win.zip/file

MAC: https://www.mediafire.com/file/81q9os2byb4oquo/Arches-1.0-mac.zip/file

Linux: https://www.mediafire.com/file/xxz2lgo1wdya6kz/Arches-1.0-linux.tar.bz2/file

Android: https://www.mediafire.com/file/0xzrfptft872hmv/arches_0.1-release.apk/file

The beautiful illustrations and sprite art are by Paintfox 

The beautiful background and logo art are by Kardamon 

And we have multiple musical contributions, including the main theme, from Moe 

For those who aren't aware. This is a VN that take place after the events of echo. it is horror-focused.

I have to admit that this was the most brutal first update that I've done for any VN. And this was despite having all the assets and the story complete several weeks in advance. 

There were a few reasons for the delay; The first involved poor backup management, the second a very inconvenient power outage. But something I found to be very difficult was me struggling with which tense and POV to use. I experimented with many, and though I've settled on third-person-limited in the present tense, there are still some sections that are still in the past tense  (and I'm one of those people that struggle with correct tense usage in the first place). I just really needed to get this out to you guys and I'll be working on making it more consistent for the public release.

One of my biggest concerns is jumping between who the POV is limited to (either Dev, or Cameron) and whether or not it's clear enough, or if it just ends up being confusing. 

Anyway, I'm hoping with some more practice I can get better at the POV. I've only written in first person for these VNs, so it's a huge shift. I also hope you all like the characters. There will likely be some cuts before the public release, so you'll probably only see some particular scenes in this build.

Also, Kudos to Paintfox for doing so much for this VN to prepare it for release.




HOLY SHIT AAAAAH! I’m stoked!!!




This intro is just... wow, Nice job.


This is terrifying. I love it

Emilio Hyena

Oh wow the intro got heavy quick. Nice!




this first build was really good! I love the amount of polish this has too!


Noooooooo, he is alive. Great update Echo Project Team. Loved the art, the story and music. But I got a little inconvenient. When I save I can see the Interea (Adastra spin-off) saves too. I think it is a little bug.


I think that was just a flashback >.< but yeah it would be screwed up if he did survive the events of the previous novel. (I think I know what is going on but I do not wish to spoil it.)


This already already has a great start, looking forward to the updates and how much further the story will go.


Thanks for the explanation and thanks for avoiding spoilers.


My savegames from interea somehow are shown in here. =\


I notice that when saving and hopefully it gets fixed in a future update.


This is gonna be a masterpece. gave me the chills !!!!


Reminds me of my own several experiences with ghosts. Very unpleasant but not this scary.


A strong start to this VN! (I can't wait to see more!) Just to note My 2 Interea saves appear in the load section (I'm playing on a windows pc with all VN's saved to one folder, so probably not really an issue.)


Finished playing Echo, Benefits and Route 65 yesterday after not putting them down for 5 days straight and started The Smoke Room today. Just knew when i got to the end of the public build for William that i had to become a patron as i couldn't wait to get more story and try Interea and of course Arches too. I am definitely not disappointed. Even just in this first Arches build i'm already super intrigued as to how this VN will pan out, have already been pleasantly spooked by the writing and want to give Cameron a big cuddle!


Whew that's a strong start. Heavy, but good. I'm not even sure what you might cut out from that. In any case, great work to everyone as usual! I really like the new POV approach for this so far. I'm already fond of both characters and it's nice getting clear insight into the thoughts and feelings of each of them.


So uh...wow. That’s how you start a VN. Immediately already tense. I’m already loving it so far. I really like Devon and Cameron, they seem to have a really sweet relationship. As for the new POV perspective, I like it. I found it pretty easy to follow along. Really love the new artwork and music. I’m glad that I didn’t wear my headphones, cause a couple certain sound effects would have scared the shit out of me. Also, I’m sure everyone is noticing but there’s a bug that’s showing my Interea save files. But I’m sure that’ll be fixed easily. Other than that, I’m really excited to see where the VN goes from here.


VERY interesting with this introduction. I am loving these two characters and this will unlock a lot of secrets with what they have to offer.


Just ended the first built and all I can say is than you're fucking creeps to write a so intense and so good story. You made me freak the hell out and the last time it happened was seeing Michael's Jackson's Trhiller when I was 4 or so... Congrats guys but don't you dare to break things between Dev and Cameron 'cause I have Flynn"s number and I will NOT hesitate to call him ! ;)

Pat Giver

I feel like the most positive point of a third person visual novel is that it gets to the point faster. When novels are first person sometimes they go into too much detail on the tiny stuff.


Wow. That was certainly an introduction. Did not expect it to start like that, holy shit that's good. Genuinely felt uncomfortable and a little scared. Excited for what this VN is going to offer next.

jovuan Jackson

Why do people ever know that this is a horrible place?

Remus Wolfram

Now that is one hell of an intro update! Even more than Echo I anticipate...and dread the future story. I do get the feeling that Arches is going to be far more unnerving and horrifying that Echo to be sure.


Well if I thought this was going to start out as lighthearted as Echo...I was an idiot and a fool...thanks for giving me the frights on just the first build LoL poor bear. My poor bear...I'm begging you not to make this into another Chase x Leo situation...I can only take so much heartbreak


Okay, it just a first build but it got me hooked so fast. THIS GAME GONNA BE AMAZING!!


Hell of a ride for a first build. Love the art and especially how much of it there is! Unclear what route from Echo this is taking yet, REALLY hoping it ain't Flynn's cause holy fuck he didn't deserve that.


I concur with all of the above stated, wow... I have a lot of questions for you as an author/team, I hope someday to find out more about your inspirations and guidance in writing these VN.


traumatized and loving it


Oh god, my heart cant take another Chase x Leo situation.


Will this VN by any chance have any possibility of a remotely happy ending? I don't want to sound rude, its just that I went into Echo unprepared and it genuinely shook me when I played TJ's route


Play Jenna's route, her happy endings is one of The bests


Let me know if you need an editor. This is at the beginning. "His attempts to scream for help were mattered even less... "

Jay Wood

i feel so sad,and heart break