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DOWNLOAD: Available on Itch.io (https://echoproject.itch.io/echo)

Howdy folks, McSkinny here with Echo's final release. This isn't to say there won't be tweaks and patches down the line, but this time there isn't a single "To be continued..." anywhere to be found in the game for any route. All story content is complete, with Jenna and Flynn's routes finally wrapping up. I won't get too long-winded here, but I wanted to say thanks to everyone who has helped make this possible. If you've been waiting until now to give Echo a try, go for it.

As for the future of Echo, the first build of Arches will be releasing in a few hours.

Change Log:

- New Jenna route story content (endings A & B)

- New Flynn route story content (epilogue completed)

- New sprite edits by Kardamon and Stardustpup

- New background art by Hiccupby

- New music by Abyuse and Hop-Skip & The Chewtoys

- Typo fixes galore




It's amazing to see an end to Echo after all these years. I still remember it when the project was just getting started. Thank you for the ride, and here's to seeing more stuff from you guys!


Thank you❤️


no wayyy bruh i forgot how close echo was to being finished i literally SCREAMED when i saw this


Can I bring my Safe files with me when I'm downloading the new version?


I liked Jenna's route good ending a lot. Thanks for bringing this game to a conclusion. Six years of hard work and a lot of resources put in the game and finally a first complete version of the game. All of you did fantastic work with the game and I'm glad to be following this game as a Patreon for a long time. I hope for more content about the characters in the future.


Thanks for this great story! It's awesome to see the final content update.


It's crazy to see everything finally brought to a conclusion after all these years. Echo was the visual novel that got me into them as a genre and has subsequently brought me a huge amount of joy and entertainment. Thank you and congrats to everyone who was involved in its creation🎉


This was amazing, I may have been late to the party, but what I can say is this was quite the journey. The team worked hard to create this masterpiece and now I can play from the beginning to get the full experience. Thank you for this, thank you for the heart, the emotions, the pain, and the experience 👍🥰👍


Aww man this is so sad, one of those moment that I'm sad it ended but happy that happened Xd I'll have to wait a lil bit to play the final chapter at least until Arches developes a more.


Exciting stuff indeed! Big thank you's to everyone who's worked on this, Echo's been an amazing experience for me from start to finish and I can't wait to see what Arches has in store :)

Space Cadet

Will a Mac build be released as well? I'm trying to download it from the itch page but it doesn't give me anything


I first played Leo’s route back in May of 2017. From then on, I continued to follow each storyline. After Leo, I went to Tj, then Carl, then Flynn, and finally Jenna. These past 3 1/2 years experiencing this scary, emotional, intense VN have been amazing. I became a patron around 2018, especially when Adastra was in it’s early stages. Every month, I was always excited for a new update on each VN. Especially Echo, I waited every month, even patiently through delays, and the updates never failed to disappoint me. Without a doubt, Echo is and has been for the past few years has been my favorite VN, and will most likely will always be my favorite. Even though Echo is finished, we still have The Smoke Room to process, and I’m super excited for the sequel. Thank you McSkinny and Howly for the jaw dropping, anxiety inducing to the point I’d literally tear up, emotional story you’ve both created. And much love to the artists and others who helped with the VN. I’m excited to see how Arches unfolds, and whatever else comes our way. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Lance Leoghauni

Congrats to everyone. It's been a journey and I'm glad we've reached the conclusion :)


Well, at least I lived long enough to see Echo completed:) Thank you for your great work. Echo really best and scariest VN ever! Greetings from Russia!


I feel like I've grown along with this project. I remember discovering this while on the drive to Yosemite National Park. I was a wreck and like the protagonists in this vn, I was drifting further and further from my childhood friends. This vn inspired me to pursue my music and writing, both are now solid passions in my life. Now, after 3 years, I've grown so much and so has Echo, and so has the group behind this amazing story. I'm honored to have been along with everyone on this ride.


Thank you everyone for making this game, I can't believe it's finally done. What a fucking masterpiece.


I came here in late 2019 when I discovered Adastra, a visual novel that genuinely changed my life. I stayed for Echo, and oh boy has it been a journey. Leo's arc had me in tears and I've been cautiously creeping my way through the other arcs ever since. I'm still nowhere neae finished with this VN but I eagerly look forward to everything it still has to offer. I wish The Echo Projecr a long and prosperous future of creating art like this. Thank you guys, I don't know where I'd be without you.


Just finished playing the build. Absolutely loved it! Bravo!!! Thank you so much for this amazing VN you have given us. Looking forward to the Echo sequel and other future projects you have in store!


It's hard to believe this visual novel is complete. It's so strange cause I joined when the patreon first started - I was one of the individuals that entered Bane's contest and frankly never been more glad to lose than to see what has been made. Congratulations on finishing the initial visual novel that started it all!

George Helwig

Is this Echo? Can't be. That ending was way too cheerful!


Just finished playing for the first time thru Leo's endings, absolutely amazing writing!


Wow. I'm awestruck. (General spoilers for every route ahead.) I started playing Echo a few months ago and basically binged each route within 2 weeks. Now having just finished the last of Jenna's route... I'm speechless. Her good ending is nothing short of phenomenal, especially losing the authority to chose what music to play at the restaurant. Seeing the "..." has never been so impactful and it was actually jaw dropping. Out of all the endings, Jenna's is definitely my favorite and I hope that her good ending is the one that is continued from in Arches. It tied everything into a really nice bow, gave closure to a lot of hanging threads like Leo's obsession plus redeeming his character, and finally showing how Sam's influence on Chase is laid to rest (while also revealing Sam as the one who was haunting him in the first place). Initially I thought it was Sydney or just a sadistic version of Chase himself but Sam's introduction in Jenna's route really goes a long way after having played through what is available of The Smoke Room. It makes me wonder how Sam ended up in that position at his death. At the very least it seems like he was old when he died so we know for sure he lived a long life. Anyway, enough derailing. This VN is remarkable, nothing short of an emotional roller coaster. I can't wait to see what genius is in store for us in the future, and thank you Echo Project for creating these series of masterpieces, including Adastra and it's extensions. You all deserve so much more than Patreon crowd funding.


Congratulations guys!


I haven't been following along nearly as long as some, but it's been nice to see this finish coming together and it was a fantastic (if sometimes crushing) read all the way through. I'm kinda glad there was so much available already for me to binge when I first found it. This was a surprisingly nice and satisfying ending too! But with this story having come to a close, I'm also thankful that I've got plenty else to look forward to from ya'll.


Mann I really don't like "ICON " of ECHO 1.0 in android.Chase look like stomachache.Mannn just go to toilet now.


Thank you George. Thank you 👏 I grow with Echo and that good ending was too "o i love you too"


am so excited to go through this story again. i am also looking forward to get the soundtrack because the music in this game was top tier. good work Echo Project.

Kinzu Uramesh

I first started supporting this patreon about an year ago with Adastra. Didn't really touch Echo because I had my fill of VNs after that one. Today though, after playing Echo twice (Leo and Flynn) I'm an emotional mess and I need more lol. I just feel so hollow after Flynn's ending. Good writing.