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WIN: https://www.mediafire.com/file/vjixzl2vmgmjlg4/Adastra-10-win.zip/file

MAC: https://www.mediafire.com/file/vyv6dx1u02hn68q/Adastra-10-mac.zip/file

Linux: https://www.mediafire.com/file/qeebpv0pshbsie7/Adastra-10-linux.tar.bz2/file

Android: https://www.mediafire.com/file/53h2do6jes5voi0/Adastra-10-release.apk/file

In which you learn everyone is not who they say they are.

In this update, we have some new illustrations and sprite art from Haps! If you'd like to support him, you can find his own Patreon HERE

Wow, sorry about the many delays on this one. I'm not sure as to why I struggled so much with it, but I'm hoping the end result is still enjoyable. The ending might need some reworking before the public build, but you can let me know what you think of it. I feel it might be a bit too abrupt, but I wanted to include it for a few different reasons. As always, I'm sure there are a few typos here and there, so if you find any, please let me know in the comments or on the Discord server.

Thanks for all the understanding and support. I'll be posting an update on things to come this month within the next few days!




“A rushed game is always bad, but a delayed game is eventually good.” Take all the time you need.


For some reason, i can't find a Discord link, can anyone share it?

Jeremy Hybrid

This was a wonderful update and really worth it, now we wait till Nov. Keep it up howly!!


Loved the update! Can’t wait for whatever comes next


And so begins the grueling wait. I'm so hype to find out what happens next but this longer wait is gonna kill me. Fantastic update, all around.




Good update.


First of all, I genuinly loved this update, even if I can see why the ending makes it feel a bit abrupt. It deffinitly contains enough good content and I can't wait for v11. Now, since howly made it clear that he's open for second opinions, here's mine. I did my best to be as vague and spoiler free as possible, but if you haven't played it, stop reading now: I think the ending would be fine if you just change the 'a few hours' to something a little more vague since that really makes you feel like there's gonna be a lot of talking ahead and not the end of the update. A bit more sweet talk would be nice too, although neither of that would be a problem for the final version without the cut. Also, after the scene with the special visual with virginia it does give a pretty sudden feeling with the almost immediat cut to the next scene and a few lines inbetween could probably help as well. Lastly, I loved how you handled blue boi. The hints of humor and almost misschievous behaviour give him quit the character. I still can't believe that he was essentially bullying our precious marshmallow!


SPOILER WARNING: Don't read past if you haven't played the update. Does anyone else really distrust the parents after this update, especially after that choice prompt? Like, human myth is rife with legends of dragons and few of them outside of some Asian and South American cultures are good. Like, Satan is called the Dragon, as well as the Deceiver and Author of Lies. The parents style themselves as Gods, yet they lack the omniscience and omnipotence that would give them the moral justification for acting out such a role. They also say that humans are broken in some way, yet are "more than capable" as a species. Maybe humans are "broken" in the sense that we are too independent and free-willed? Human myth and legend is also filled with stories of men and women who refused to be beholden to the will of the Gods or God. Maybe that is why the uplifts failed on eight separate occasions, and why the parents seem so keen to ensure that the MC follows their will.


Loved the update! The only mistake I noticed was that Cassius’ dialog during the scene with the Monitor is erroneously labeled “Cato”. Keep up the awesome work!


I loved the update so much! Now I feel like I really can't trust anyone anymore..


I gotta ask, is that really how the Monitor looks, or is it just a silhouette? I'd love it if he had more to him, even though my heart belongs with Amicus LoL. Also funny little interaction between him and Cassius, how easily insults bring you out of a daze of fear. Also DAYUUM! That was heartbreaking, how could you do that, I don't want visions like that or hear screams like that...I have a strong imagination and that was really unpleasant. I'm still freakin' shakin'...god...and I thought the last trial hurt like hell, that was WAY worse. You made up for it, I'll give you that, it was really sweet what you gave us at the end there with Amicus...hehe butts... ;P


As for errors I didn't really see any (other than the Cato thing by FoxStang above) you're definitely getting this down good...if this is what extra time to think is like then as I've said you don't need to hurry nor stress yourself out. Take it easy and let the block flow clean out steadily, don't force it or stress yourself out about it, the best way is to just relax. Your supporters are here for you


No, not really, not at first. Remember that thing wasn't a Parent but he was certainly off. I only refer to that last bit at the end, he was perfectly understandable in his intent with that first conversation...but...that last one...I'm having second thoughts. A real "cult psycho" vibe. Its too bad, he looks hot AF, but I'll give him a chance. Especially to avoid that vision but really uneasy...definitely strong "Cult" vibe


Just finished playing out this update, was happy it let me continue where i left off, and not have to start over. Also happy that it left off on a good cliff hanger. more positive than the last one. I know not everything in life is positive, but it makes me excited for the future, even if its a long wait. we'll all get there eventually. Emperor Amicus, i'll save you eventually! :D




Someone please help me how the hell do you update on an android without re downloading the new version and playing from the beginning. This is killing me it takes so long. If this weren't such a captivating story I would have given up by now. I wish you could skip ahead like the echo project.


In preferenses you can choose to skip unseen


So the next update is scheduled for november 1st?


You are a god send! If I had to tap through all of build 9 again I would have given up entirely. Thank you