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A small teaser for the CG in the next build. Art is by the wonderful Haps.

First of all, I absolutely hate doing this. I've been debating over the past few hours to release what I have, or continue to polish it up. I know I've done double delays in the past, and it's extremely unprofessional of me to do it again, but I just can't release this build in its current state. I have to admit that I'm going through some intense writer's block at the moment, along with some other personal issues.

This might be familiar to some of you that have been around since the early days of Echo. I would sometimes have to take a month or two off due to struggling with getting updates out consistently. While I like to keep my personal life private, I did open up about having severe OCD during one of these times. Due to the frustration that comes with not being able to write as well as I'd like to, it flares up. This results in me writing, deleting, re-writing, and even performing silly, lengthy, mental and physical rituals (compulsions) that make the writing process rather torturous and honestly sometimes make me feel as if I'm going insane. I don't want this to sound like I'm looking for pity due to the missed update, but rather, I feel I owe it to you to let you know why this is taking so long.

This seems to happen around the same time every year, but it's always been temporary. Actually, what got me out of the funk last time was focusing on Adastra which took my mind off of Echo for a little while.

So here's a list of what I'm going to be doing:

1. I will absolutely be releasing Build 10 on October 5th. With the state of completion that it's in at the moment, I have no excuse not to. I simply want to go back and really think through the pacing and story, and also give it more length, as it's currently shorter than the average update.

2. This is the one I hate to do most: I will put Adastra on a one month hiatus, so there will be no update in October (aside from what should have been September's Build 10). Instead, I will focus on The Smoke Room to help get the creative juices flowing again, and which I plan to release on Halloween. Updates for Adastra will resume in November with Build 11.

3. I will pause payments for October since there will be no Adastra update and I want every current patron to have a chance to download it, so you will not be charged next month. There will still be an Echo build along with the first demo of The Smoke Room.

Again, I apologize for this, and I honestly should have seen it coming back when I announced the first delay. Hopefully you'll stick around to see what happens next in the story. I can't thank you guys enough for your support. Your enthusiasm and eagerness for Adastra is what keeps me going, and is honestly what makes this announcement so difficult!

I also want to say that while I've been struggling with the story lately, I think I've found the right path to the end of Amicus's story. There's a good amount left, but we'll soon be heading into the final act!

See you guys on the 5th.





I can only speak for myself, but delay it as long as you like so long if it means keeping the quality what I have become accustomed to. This is the best VN I've played, and I've played a lot. You've got something special and keep doing whatever you need to to keep it that way.


Worth the wait!


Omg i cant wait to see wat happen


Take all the time you need. I discovered this game two days ago and instantly fell in love. The story was one of the most compelling and impactful I have ever seen. Anything of this quality is well worth the wait. I wish to sincerely congratulate and thank you for the amazing work you have done so far, and I look forward to the future of Adastra, regardless of how long it takes.

Jeremy Hybrid

I wish adastra wasn’t coming into the (almost) final act and if possible make an adastra 2.? But aside from that I am really looking forward to the next update when it comes out. Keep up the amazing work Howly and take your time with it


Hey take your time, i hope things go well for you, I think what you wrote is great so far as i read. Do what you think is best, i hope nothing in general keeps you from progressing on Adastra. 🙏 Im praying for you my friend. Good luck


Take all the time you need. Focus on you, then work on the story whenever you have the time. Your health is far more important. You got this!


Don't worry about it, still love your work, take your time. <3


Can't say anything everyone else has already said. I'm still excited for things to come. Even if they don't I won't hate you for it. Sometimes life is hard. Gotta take the good with the bad. :3


The gap between Build 10 and Build 11 is going to be suffering lol, but there is no reason you should actually physically suffer making them


Professional or not ur still a person we all have issues we face take ur time u have made something awesome that we all love this novel actually gives me something to look forward too it's like a gift every time *hugs*


Just going to say this I don’t care if your not being professional I love your games to death and I don’t want adastra to ever end it’s such a good game


I understand that for creators it's very hard on you to not have consistency with content releases since it feels like you have so many people anticipating your work. Just never forget to take care of yourself. If some people lose interest in that time, then that is their right, but your well being is important. On a lighter note, I am excited to see how this whole story turns out once you have it how you want it!


It's incredibly respectable of you to be so open like that. It's in your best interest to prioritize your mental health, because not only may you suffer if you force yourself to work to an unhealthy degree, but the quality of your craft will suffer as well. Perhaps it's probably a really good idea to seek help for your OCD; as someone who is currently in the remission stages of OCD myself, I don't think I would've been able to continue functioning had I not seek that help. Please take care of yourself, I respect your incredible talent, and I wish you the best.


Hey I just wanna let you know that you should take the time for yourself. Fans will understand and wait for you.


"A delayed game is eventually good, but a rushed game is forever bad."-Shigeru Miyamoto Take your time! <3


You take the time you need, I can wait for it! The artistic mind is tricky, you need to step away sometimes, i get it!


No Adastra!? Aw...wait, November!? Happy birthday for once...I'll be happy on my birthday!!! Ah conflicted. Yeah no seriously man that's hard to hear but I for one support your decision. I'm no writer so I can't begin to imagine how difficult a block is, it has to be hard to work through. I've had mental blocks before, though, since I love keeping my mind in imagination so I can somewhat understand. It's stressful and a pain. I find something to relax, get my block off my mind, and then let the ideas flow from being open thought. If it's the same time maybe there's something specific on your mind, figure out what this time of year means to you, understanding yourself on such ground could also help. Don't be ashamed of anything, open people are usually happier, especially if they find support in others. As far as I can say, you can count on us for that, I'm sure you can find peace of mind among your supporters. Hopefully no one hates me for saying this but..."You can count on us supporting you, keep your head high and clear, you can get through this!" Adastra is amazing and I know we all want to see you do your best, if that means a break then so be it, just promise you'll look after your health 😁


TBH take your time and my money you have a great story with Adastra do what you need to the make it the way you want the final product will be great regardless.


Well, unless we're gonna get some hyper intense cliffhanger, I think it will be fine. Just gonna replay V10 once or twice and patiently wait for V11. One more month isn't that bad at all. There are enough vn's our there that let you wait way longer and aren't even halve as good as the ones you make, so it's really not that big of a deal.


As a new Patreon, I really don't mind you taking a month off of Adrasta if it means you getting into better mind set about it. Sometimes writing takes a toll on you so it's better if you set it aside and focus on something else (like you're doing now). I'm also really glad that you're being transparent with us. Transparency is hard to come by these days (but that's a topic for different time). Take as much as you need off, I'm sure people won't mind waiting.


What's done is done. Now, don't think about this and focus on your life, you'll be able to deal with the situation later. Now you need your break. I absolutely love Adastra, and Echo too. And I will surely wait for what's next you'll prepare for us. Get well.

Raygun Draygun

Being honest and communicative is as professional as it gets and extremely respectful to patrons. You’ve been doing consistently amazing work on the story, and taking a break to prevent that work from negatively affecting your own health and happiness is the best thing you can do, both for yourself and for the fans of Adastra. Also, will there be another way to support monetarily while payments are suspended for the month on Patreon?


I'd also like to know if there's a way to donate outside of Patreon while it's suspended. While i do only play Adastra, i don't really see it as me supporting ONLY Adastra. So even if an update for THAT game isn't coming, updates for other games ARE coming. And even if they weren't.... Yea, i know, the tier subscription says i support for monthly updates, but c'mon.... We're all human here.


I'll second- er, third that about wondering if you have another donation method. It's very awesome and considerate of you to pause payments for the month in light of everything, but also... these things happen, y'know? I still want to support you anyway cause I really love your work thus far, I can afford it for now, and from my perspective you're still doing work even if you're not accomplishing as much as you want to. Also, I'm in this for more than just Adastra, so I especially have reason to support you this month! Like, from the sound of it I'm still getting TSR and another piece of Echo, so that's something for me for October. Edit: Actually I don't need another method. I just realized the simplest solution! I can edit my pledge to double up on it for next time the charge happens, then I can just revert to my usual amount for the time after.


As considerate as pausing payments was I also wanted to support him this month, though I realized maybe the easiest solution is to edit our own pledges. I'm just doubling mine for now, and once the next charge does happen I'll switch back my pledge to the usual amount for the time after that.


As considerate as pausing payments was I also wanted to support him this month, though I realized maybe the easiest solution is to edit our own pledges. I'm just doubling mine for now, and once the next charge does happen I'll switch back my pledge to the usual amount for the time after that.


I agree take our money!!!


Silly idea probably, maybe he should hold a poll, pause paying or not pause...probably stupid but hey just an idea. As for me I love Adastra way more than Echo since it's what got me to support to start with but I still say there's no need to pause...it'd be one thing if the hiatus was not doing any work and like taking vacation. Then again it'd be great if that didn't even pause the payment then we'd be like sending you on vacation 😘😂


if you're gonna pause the payments maybe just chill for the month, you've been going pretty hard for years now right?

Fen Kurios

You have been working hard and on so many projects, just take the money and take a vacation! Falls coming up, so enjoy yourself before you freeze yourself.


Anyone know what time it'll be released today?


The update is delayed a little because there was one last scene being added to the end. Howly said within 12 hours it should come out but it could be more or less depending on the scene he's creating. I'm amazed at how hard he works on these updates so what he has in store is definitely worth the wait!


Can't wait for new build!