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WIN: https://www.mediafire.com/file/3f2a6tqq45yqb54/Adastra-0.6-win.zip/file

MAC: https://www.mediafire.com/file/2zvn41q6cl1frff/Adastra-0.6-mac.zip/file

Linux: https://www.mediafire.com/file/ua6jh81dlk820vi/Adastra-0.6-linux.tar.bz2/file

Android: https://www.mediafire.com/file/u5kczezygbrjqx5/Adastra-0.6-release.apk/file

In which feelings are talked about.

As always, let us know what you think of this update in the comments, and if you find any typos or errors, please let us know so we can have it nicely polished for the public release! Thanks so much for all your support, and we hope you enjoy!

Haps created an amazing illustration with THREE different variations for this update. If you'd like to support his incredible work, you can find his own Patreon here: https://www.patreon.com/Haps



Alex Waff

Time to go through it in record time and go back to hibernating.


oh my god


i gotta say overall the writing in this chapter is much better than in others. Good pace, good tension building. more like this plz. Too bad its over so soon, cant wait for the next one


May i ask when the android version will be released?


oh.,, my god


....... i literally sobbed in this one... ugh played with my emotions way too much lmao! But awesome none the less!!!... damn that Jackal -_-


This was an emotional roller coaster from start to finish


That was pretty upsetting. But still good work


Good thing I don't have to work today. I woke at 1: 30, downloaded it, played through it, and haven't gone back to sleep. Great update.


The emotions were too strong, the musical number Light Years Apart really tore into my heart


Yeah no that hurt... That was pretty fucked up in every conceivable way actually. I don't like to be negative but I do not feel like this situation was resolved in any way whatsoever. Knowing the truth(?) about the circumstance makes it worse actually. I know I'm just some random patron around here and haven't posed before but I just want to say I really hope this doesn't turn into another echo situation. That game already fucked me up in ways I never thought possible and I really don't need a repeat. Fuck everything that just happened. Perfectly written, paced and executed as always, but fuck all of what just happened. I'm starting to think everything in this plot is a lie.


Yeah, I did not find that enjoyable! I love the writing and everything but it's starting to feel like you're a fool being lead from one embarrassing situation to another while not being able to do or say anything about it. It didn't seem like the mc would just accept it like that either, I mean you already knew that Amicus was attracted to and turned on by Neferu and now suddenly the only way to make a deal is to fuck the guy, uh huh sounds legit, but y'know it's really for you because making you the pet of someone who Amicus didn't trust AT ALL five minutes ago without even checking if you were ok with that is totally cool. Lol I ranted! sorry. This isn't even a criticism really it's just how the events made me feel and I had to vent! Have a good week everyone! :D


I hope this vn isn't going to be short. Don't get me wrong the story is really good and this update was good but with how things are going I hope it doesn't end up like Echo. I liked Echo but that nv was depressing.


I think I may have noticed one mistake during this build. It's when Amicus says "Well, I'm also his older brother. Some relationships don't change, even if the official ones do." I'm very certain that previously, Howly has always said that Cassius was the older brother, especially considering Cassius acts like an older sibling. And I was right, I knew something was going on between Alex and Cassius, I wonder if we will be able to find out more about it in a future build?


Me before that scene: "Yass, the MC is finally going to stop being a brat and indulge in Sweet Wolf Romance!" Me after that scene: "I am so emotionally devastated I can't even fap. What is life." In all seriousness though, I loved it. If the MC's life is in jeopardy with Dictator Cassius potentially on the throne, I'd likely see it from Amicus' point of view.


This story is always keeping me on my toes. Definitely feeling the hurt and paranoia that comes from all this political treachery. Keep it up, can't wait to see what comes next


^^ I agree the mc can be a brat. lol I did like the update. It showed emotion between the mc and Amicus. I can see why the mc forgave Amicus because he is in love with him and Amicus has been there for the mc. I wish Amicus didn't have sex with Neferu. Amicus didn't trust Nerefu as well and now he is willing to have the mc be Nerefus pet. I think it should show more of his reasoning behind this. Keep in mind Nerefu seems to be manipulative and Jackals are known to be tricky. I really hope with what happened we are not near the end yet. I hope it doesn't get depressing like echo.


Now I know how Leo feels when you go with Kudzu. The pain from a broken promise. You want to forgive him but you cant because you know deep down he wants it as well. You want to hate him but you cant because you know deep down you still love him. Man, this update really gives you feels huh. Poor MC, he has been so insecure about his feelings towards Amicus and when he finally decided to go for it he got the hardest slap on the face. Just cant express how much I love you and your amazing writing. Hope the next update has something sweeter though. This update is just too much.


*repost* This was...beautiful...amazing...I honestly have no better words to describe this, but first let me do my part to help with a few errors I found. While on the beach just before the spar "...holding my nuts even though Amicus didn't made contact." the word made should be make, after that "...he won't ever get the chance try anything..." it should be "to try anything", when we say we liked it and Amicus responds with really it should be capitalized "Really?", and after that when Amicus says "I worried me that I'd..." the sentence should start with "It worried me", while in the garden with Alex "I'm about to ask Alex about how the rumors about Amicus when..." I guess it should be "...about Amicus started when..." or maybe some other word I just know something should be in that line, after that with Cato "Rumors about Cassius and his intentions involving the Triumvirates once if becomes emperor." the word if should be "once he becomes", back in Amicus's room when noticed "I must look like an idiot; my robe dirtty from the garden..." the word dirty is misspelled, in the flora room after the situation "You don't need to explain it. it's none of my business." the second sentence should be capitalized It's, still in the room "...mainly because the kehmians likely use their own stretch..." Khemians is misspelled, then after that "Don't worry though, I made sure contract we agreed on..." it should be "I made sure the contract we agreed on". That was...really amazing...great work. The moment the musical number struck I nearly broke out tearing up...I actually felt hurt...even though I backed working with Neferu. You all really did a fantastic job and I'm proud to be a supporter...for personal dreams of course...but now...its more, thank you for all your hard work


Also, the music is the greatest I've heard since Morenatsu...I...I really wanted to let you know...It's really something beautiful đŸ˜„đŸ˜


Nope. It has always been said that amicus is the older brother. That's why it's such a big deal that cassius challenged him.


i really liked the way this update was headed. Although i do feel this update was short it doesnt disappoint on leaving you with a big slap to the face "to be continued" screaming WTF WHAT HAPPENS NEXT. But hey good work it is turning out nice.


i am actually in love with this game


Great update, but it really highlighted the downside of not building many variations for how the MC can respond to events. Everything Amicus did feels in character so hit really hard, but being forced to respond so passively (including immediately accepting physical intimacy given what you had just seen) just didn't sit right with me. The MC is clearly going to have to move past this to keep the story going, but it having an option to more forcefully hold Amicus accountable for his actions would have let me enjoy the emotional beats of the story without just ending up feeling annoyed at both Amicus and the MC.


This was AWESOME! Sure, you must listen to criticism, but don't take it too close to heart. As you know, you can't please everyone. Personally I really enjoyed this chapter. And that moment with flowers, it was so bittersweet. That situation was really well placed. I can understand Amicus going on that deal with Neferu. I read it as that Amicus really cares about Marco. Too bad people missinterpret that. Though Neferu should feel guilty about that, I still kinda like that guy. I like that intrigue, politics, games. Surely Cassius wasn't snooping around for nothing. He's probably planning something cunning. I see a few ways the plot could progress, that surely can be interesting. Can't wait for the debates too.


I loved the update, I only wish there were more choices. I agree I don't trust Nerefu he seems to manipulative and Jackals are known to be tricky. I think he wants to try to make Amicus his husband so his kingdom has more power if not he is definitely up to something. I think Amicus was really upset about it just as much as the mc. I feel like more choices would make the mc more relatable. All I ask for is ahappy ending. lol


Who is this Marco character?! JK just assuming he's your mc? We didn't misinterpret anything we just didn't like how Amicus dealt with that. While you say Neferu should guilty imo he really doesn't really have much to apologize for


Ok for the most part, but the lack of MC options makes what Amicus did feel like we just have to let it go, coupled with having to reciprocate physical affection after seeing that might cause a snag in the story

Joshua Hale

I know you've been receiving a lot of comments on this update, Howly, so I want to say my piece without being grating on you. In my opinion, the hardest part for us players with dealing with this update is the fact that as of now, the VN isn't holding up to any sort of interactive standards: most of the choices we've made have been with dealing with the Parents(?) in dreams or whether or not we want to see Amicus nude. The reason I feel this is an issue is because this story, this vn, was advertised to us as a story of political intrigue while /we/ figure out who we can or cannot trust. There is no such element to the game, as we have no such choice to trust in Amicus at this point--we simply do, as he is A) the only person we/the protagonist can somewhat depend on, B) not many others have given very good impressions of themselves, and C) the consequences of failure are incredibly dire. Again, I don't mean to insult your story or ideas, I'm just hoping that you might take these issues in mind as you push forward with the story.


If I'm being honest, up until now I've felt that Adastra was very campy and patronizing, and favored silly situations and fanservice over story or character growth. That's not to be meant as a criticism as I do realize Adastra is targeted at a different type of audience than Echo favored, the best comparison from a literary standpoint that I come up with offhand is Suzanne Collins two books series 'The Hunger Games' and 'The Underland Chronicles', two different stories by the same author but aimed at wildly different audiences. (Granted neither of those are masterpieces of writing and the endings of both leave much to be desired, but my point remains the same,while there is nothing stopping someone from enjoying both of these stories for what they are, trying to find anyone who actually enjoyed both of them equally seems highly unlikely). All that being said this update actually was the first time things started to feel like they are moving forward in a more intriguing direction and the seriousness of the situation has finally dawned on the characters (The MC's seeming inability to have an opinion or stick to a decision notwithstanding). Part of it may simply be that the MC never reacts to a situation in a way that I would so it's difficult to connect or empathize with him most of the time, and gives a feeling of disconnect form the characters in general. The overall lack of choices that impact the direction of the narrative plays a role there as well, Echo suffered a bit in the past few updates as well for a lack of any control of how things played out, which isn't to say they weren't enjoyable, just lacking in that you felt like you couldn't change the outcome of events no matter how much you may have wanted to. All things being considered I've personally always preferred the darker, more serious and complex plots over happy go lucky fun filled ones that are meant largely to make people happy, they're more simple and less enjoyable on the whole. Ultimately though it's up to you as the writer to decide what direction the story goes in but personally I hope it continues in the current vein of shadowy figures, darker undertones and complex narratives that keep the reader guessing and desperately waiting to find out what comes next. Just my personal take on things until now, so long as you are happy with the story and people enjoy it for what it is don't feel like you need to try and make any drastic changes to appease the minority who don't like certain little details and write the story in the way that means the most to you.


i cant get this file for windows became a plege so i can see the other story i missed before the re write.


lmao cant even fap. i was thinking the same thing this is hot but this slutt. it was getting cute and then took a real life gay turn and then he drops the flowers.