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So first of all, there's going to have to be a delay again. Instead of the 24th, the demo will release two days late on Sunday the 26th. I once again apologize and I realize this has been happening too much lately. I had a bit of a family emergency come up in which I had to do a lot of babysitting on my day off, the day I planned to do the majority of the coding. This isn't really an excuse and I'm thinking I need to change the way I work on these updates which would involve trying to have it done a few days in advance in case something does go wrong. Either way, it can't be helped at the moment and I greatly apologize to all of you who were looking forward to it on Friday.

On the bright side, a lot will be happening in the next update, which is why I need the extra time to polish it up. Anyway, I promise next month I'll be working very hard to make sure delays don't happen again. Take care guys, and I hope you're still looking forward to the next build!



It’s ok we can wait there’s no need to apologize, you do what you need to do first then you can work on the updates.


Even though there have been delays frequently recently they haven't been for more than a couple days which shows us that you guys are on top of things even when you hit bumps in the road. In this case and any others like it, family trumps all so take all the time you need. If you feel the need to change things up to avoid delays in the future, then do whatever works for you. Honestly, more than anything I think we appreciate your transparency when things like this happen so thanks for that and all your hard work.


Always looking forward for the next build update

North Grizz

Not a problem, stuff happens which you can't control. Sunday is fine.


No worries Howly. Delays happen all the time, and a few days is hardly an issue at all. While I appreciate the up-frontness about the situation, don't worry about us we can wait, this ain't Kickstarter :) More importantly, I hope things improve/are better now irl for you and your family. With much love, Your supporting noodles


You're right it is happening a lot, but who cares, that's life. No one can see how their life will unfold, there's always going to be something no one foresaw or even planned for, but how you react to it and answer it defines who you are. And here you are, telling us upfront, being honest and not leaving us in the dark.....a delay....big woop...only a couple more days, even less. You're more than fine man, you deal with whatever life throws your way, and we will still be here waiting and supporting you 😄🤗😁 best of wishes man I'm rooting for you


Each update of Adastra is always so polished. Take as much time as you need. I know you'll produce an amazing product.


A 2 day delay? Unacceptable. My father will be hearing about this.


Awwww. That's okay. If you need a couple extra days, then that's fine lol.

Sashido Zerako

Alls good the wait will make the next installment all the more enjoyable :)


Can't wait for the update hopefully today. If it needs to take longer than take it. rather have a well-polished update than a rushed one based on a previous schedule.


Can't wait to see what peculiar gem Howly is writing for us . Such lovely fiction sure needs , and deserves all the time needed to be made .


I am shaking with anticipation