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Hey guys! Here's your quick update for March! Also, enjoy the sketch above of a character that will appear in the next public update of Adastra. It is of course drawn by Adastra's sprite artist, Haps.

Alright, so first things first, the next Echo TJ update is going to be delayed by a day or two. It will be released on the 2nd-3rd .

Following that:

Adastra public build 0.3 will be released on the 8th.

Echo Flynn update will be released for patrons on the weekend of the 15th.

Adastra build 0.4 for patrons will be released on the 22nd.

The final update for TJ (yes, his route will be coming to an end) will be released on the 1st of April.

Hope you guys have a fantastic start to the spring season!




Such a hot anubis-y character. Also, yay! More Arastra!


Can't wait! Thank you for all your guys' hard work!


Nice! He is alike Anubis!)))


I'm kind of amazed TJ is so close to the end already, wow. Looking forward to how you wrap it up.


Will there ever be a sequel for Echo? I was so salty over the ending for Leo. I wish there was a happy ending for him and Chase. Loved the story.


I was thinking that too, his route feels a fair bit shorter than Carl or Leo's did comparatively, but maybe that's just due to being spread out across a larger span of time between updates.


I'm excited that Adastra is really taking off! It has been SO great so far and I can't wait to see where the story goes! The only thing I'm ever left wanting is a way to get more involved lol other than patreon support


Tj update final comes out on my birthday


The 22nd?! That's so soon, I can't wait, I don't know what could top the first 3 builds. The first is still my favorite, being kidnapped only to turn around and enjoy it, then the third is my second, going to the beach was fun and dang was it funny. The second was fine, the best part was certainly meeting so many people and fitting in...if a bit awkward LoL


I can't wait to play Adastra today! just asking what time will the Arastra update be out today?