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WIN: http://www.mediafire.com/file/147hl9jntnbx9wb/Adastra-0.3-win2.zip/file

MAC: https://www.mediafire.com/file/yjso5i7und9hqoq/Adastra-0.3-mac.zip/file 

Android: http://www.mediafire.com/file/9kioetiatwuw589/Adastra0.3-release.apk/file

In which you, Amicus, and Alex have a fun beach day...for the most part. Hoping I balanced the silly and serious well enough while also keeping things interesting. There is a placeholder background, but hopefully it's not too distracting. Be warned that there is legitimate NSFW content in this build (if you so choose), so be aware of that.

Let me know what you think, and as usual, this is the first time I'm releasing this build, so if you see typos or mistakes of any kind, please let me know and we'll get it fixed before the public release!




Where do we let you know about typos?


Here in the comments works! We also have the bug-report channel in our Discord.


Cato ain't shit


I loved this update! it was great! you're doing a great job balancing the politics and the relationships, it's really enjoyable. In the beginning of the day, there's a typo "Amicus wakes me up byR...", and there's another when talking with Virginia where someone uses "here" instead of "hear". Everyone is doing an amazing job with this VN so far!


When is the android version going to be released ? I don't have a computer anymore so my phone is my only hope :(


This vn has quickly become very, very special to me :>. I don't really have any criticisms because any time something bothers me, I'll have forgotten about it by the end because the entire experience was so enjoyable. Like, the writing is decent enough for me to love this even if the art and music were shit, but everything: art/music/sprites are just... wonderful.


Woah! I didn't expect this for another few days! I feel pleasantly surprised by my ability to misread.


Can't wait for the Android update. I love this novel, by far my favorite novel.


I'm liking the meaningfully appropriate name choices for the characters. Some like Amicus and Neferu that are simple, yet descriptive of the character's personality or traits. Others like Alexios that I'm not quite sure on yet and am wondering the meaning of. Love noticing these little things. Also love this type of ancient historical stuff and seeing how creatively you can incorporate it all to create a kind of culture shock for the protagonist.


Just joined up, really loving this VN, Amicus is my unquestionable favorite, especially his personality. Now that I've played this new update...my thoughts still haven't changed from my first thoughts. Its really well done, a nice relaxing pace from all the horror lately, the team is also doing a good job with updates and keeping the public informed. Its really well done and it only leaves me wanting more when the screen goes black...the almost shower scene really got my heart racing LoL. I really love Amicus as a whole; great personality, clunky and fun, and his body build is just too cute, it too is a nice change from the norm...his artist is really talented


What i will say about this VN is that i enjoy it greatly, its nice easy to read with pretty well flushed out characters. The only criticism i have is how you made the 2 brothers just so one dimensional at least in the beginning. amicus is the standard lovable oaf with a good heart, while his brother is an even more petty version of hitler. Really hoping you will flush out there characters a bit more in the future to give them a bit more depth of their reasoning for their actions in the story going forward. Other than that keep up the great work, much looking forward to more updates


Hmm...so, for there to be an Egyptian-themed race of Children, does that mean the wolves in their prior uplift attempt also imported other Children's cultures and started them elsewhere on the planet? Or is this implying that there were multiple uplift attempts by several Children races, around the same time and, for some unknown reason, they all thought they had failed and left?


That's what I was thinking as well, especially considering that Alexios seems to be Greek influenced. Roman culture derives from Greek in a lot of ways and Alexios did say his Parent and the Wolf species' Parent came from the same Galaxy unlike the other Parents. Maybe the major ancient Earth cultures are signs of a failed collaborative uplift or that Earth is some kind of contested territory on the border of several empires. Still begs the question of where everyone's knowledge of Earth and humans went considering how little Amicus and the Wolves know about them. This also makes me curious to see if any of the other Siblings/Parents are culturally similar to other ancient Earth civilizations like ancient China, Babylon, Persia, and others.


So i have a few questions. We hear about "uplifting" alot, so will we get some sort of explanation as to what it actually is? Do species only uplift those that are similar to them? the way it seems worded thats what they do. also Cato seems to know more about humans then he is letting on. does he know something we dont?


I like where this is going. But we have to consider that Earth has it's OWN culture too. But it is strange that not only the Wolves and Humans forgot about the uplift, but the Egyptian Dogs might have as well. There must have been some sort of incident that had to be erased. Perhaps the humans don't remember because having their intelligence uplifted was probably the last thing the Siblings did before they left. But who knows. I'm eager to find out.


I've said so on Twitter, but I'm loving this story. The storyline is great so far, there's character depth that's easy to pick up on with even a first playthrough. And the political situation you've created doesn't have an easy solution! Not only is this an enjoyable story, it's an enjoyable setting! I would totally play video or tabletop games set in this universe!


Just out of curiosity can you download this onto IPads to?