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My new computer hardware has all arrived, and I'm working on getting it built.  I'm having to get some help from a local computer shop as some of the connection I had a problem getting to work.  It's a minor problem but one that is hopefully easily resolved.

In the meantime I've made some steps forward with the game.

* Added background music in various areas.  Still trying to find music for some specific places/events.

* Added code for skills that will assist her in avoiding getting in trouble (sometimes)

* Added "TuffButt" cream that will increase Callie's Pain tolerance by 15% temporarily (2-3 days) - however after it wears off it leaves Callie's bottom more tender with a lower pain tolerance so frequent use will yield diminishing returns.  It will be available from "Shady" and from a single vending machine in town that won't always have it.

* "Shady" will be moving around town and not just hanging out in the CDC Men's room.



*Imagines SBA shouting "It's alive!" when lightning strikes newly assembled computer*


Hmm, if there was a cream that lowers pain tolerance, I can imagine it being useful in a few scenarios. Perhaps a girl famous for her pain tolerance needs to be brought down a peg or two. Or it could be optional (bonus) step in any "framing" dares. Maybe a nerd wants to make a program for creating artificial but realistic female voices for painful crying and is willing to pay a lot to Callie if she provides him with large data sample and Callie needs a bit help to make it happen...


Interesting imagination you have there. But definitely outside the scope of this game lol.


If lightning struck it I'd shout alright but it would be something that would not be so iconic, and would probably make George Carlin blanch. LOL