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Even after all I had lost... my job, my car, my relationship, my cat... my house my sanity... STILL I did not admit I had a problem. It was only when the second DUI started to catch up to me, I finally had to go to court and was ordered not to drink or do drugs, to go to AA and a state behavioral health program for 2 years. The first couple months of being in that program, I was not committed to sobriety at all, I planned to drink as soon as the phase of state mandated classes went from three times a week down to one… but something changed within me after a little over a month of not drinking. 

     I began to recognize that all the problems in my life were a result of alcohol. Against all odds, and with a *very* unsupportive new boyfriend, AND while still living in that party environment (in a cheaper living arrangement than the previous house), I remained sober. I was the only one whose name was on the lease at that new party house, so I stayed until the lease was up, about 10 more months. It was really hard... 





