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Goddess Pele was smiling on us as Art of Women skillfully depicted my motions and emotions, fully nude in this barren new earth location. He told me not to expose the true location of these photos, but since you all are my super-secret inner-world Patreon blog-reader, I will expose the information, as long as you don't let the cat out of the bag!! (Volcanoes National Park on the big Island of Hawaii)

This is my first finalized video with my new upgraded video program: Adobe Premiere Pro Creative Cloud. It it also the first patreon-exclusive video where I hybridized photos, videos, and descriptive text titles throughout. My crash course with my kickass new program!

Click on the link for the pledge tier you currently pledge at:

22 Playful pics, Playful Video = $5, $10, $16 pledgers
32 Naughty pics, Playful Video = $29, $36, pledgers
NAUGHTY video, 32 naughty pics = $49, $56, $99 pledgers
*                                ***Becoming a MASTER!***                                    *


if you lost the password, please don't hesitate to email me! 

(these links will expire in 30 days, the PLAYFUL content will automatically be available for an extended time to those who pledge at least $10 at the end of the month)

The high from my Patreon-exclusive Hawaii tour has left me begging for more: more exclusive locations, more high quality outdoor nudes, more extreme flexibility and yoga stamina, more professional looking behind the scenes videos, and all of these improvements take time, dedication, and focus to develop these skills that can lengthen my career, my life, and my ripple effect. 

Nowadays, between all the traveling modeling and trying to have a home-life, my TIME is more valuable than cash. Thanks to your support, I have been able to dedicate some time for the next two months! Here is what you have helped me afford:

*A 20 hour Adobe Premiere Pro complete mastery video course (already completed 3 hours!)

*I signed up for a Social Media & Online Reputation Management online course through the Shaw Academy (starts Nov 14!)

*Dedicating a period of time each day to mastering extreme yoga moves, like back bends, head stands, the SPLITS, and balancing poses. 

*For the first time ever, I have hired a life coach to help me acheive my goals in an efficient manner, and it's a major bonus he happens to also be an indie film-maker! 

Thanks again so much for your support :) I am so grateful to have this community to support my freedom of nude expression! 

Peace and Love

*Kristy XoXo

PS: It's a great time to upgrade your pledge, or to begin pledging (if you aren't already!) today or tomorrow, if so you'll get immediate access to all Octobers' goodies before they expire!!! If you wait until November 1st, you will be getting all the November content with each new post (2-3 posts per week)

If you pledge at an INSTAX or "For Your Eyes Only" tier, you'll be getting your prints in the mail soon!!



Jin N Tonic

the photo is gorgeous, you're incredible, and I think daily 'what would rebel do' .. can I just hire YOU as MY life coach?? seriously ;D you're fucking amazing!!


I second that I want to hire you as my life coach! It's so cool you live your dreams. I feel like such a coward comparatively to live it from a "safe" position; to still depend on a day job and not be playing everywhere we can every night. I wish I was more bold and daring like you. Someday... You TOTALLY inspire me! You and Jin totally rule as people! Hopefully one of these videos becomes a hit where Skitz and I can finally leave our day jobs and travel the world while getting paid.


Oh I'm so flattered, but I don't think I'm quite qualified to be a full on life coach, maybe I can after my current 3 month coaching excursion :) i do know many people with regular jobs that fulfill their financial needs and support their creative endeavors as well. When you're an artist by trade, you do end up having to conform to mainstream paid gigs which can feel like "selling out". Being full time is very rewarding, but also very humbling. I'm blessed to be where I'm at, but you also gotta be thankful to have the benefits of your current life situation- you have your community surrounding you consistently, you can maintain your hobby schedule, diet, relationships, and stuff which is very difficult if you live on the road.