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password: maidens

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I set up my video camera at one of those So-Cal group shoots, about 10 models and 30 photographers. I meticulously edited out ALL the other people's faces from this 15 minute video, it took FOREVER to get it right!!!

 I have fun at these, lots of the photographers know me and I always book up all my one-on-one time slots, it's good money. There is always a lunch break with food and I enjoy casual conversations with newbie models and networking with local photographers.

The down side is, during the free-for-all portion of the day, so many people are shooting me at the same time from all different angles that its impossible to get great images for everyone each time. This means lots of unflattering angles are being snapped just for the sake of trigger-happy-ness. There are nice photos that circulate the internet that stemmed from these gang-bang style glamour shoots, but the group portion of the day seems to be more focused on "quantity over quality"

It's work, it's tough sometimes. This particular day I was battling a cold and drinking tons of water between each outfit change. I gotta be bubbly and on my game, bright eyed and bushy tailed at these events so I'm not perceived as a burn-out or has been. I was the oldest model there that day, though I am sure I didn't look it!

Anyway I love the people, it's good company there and I always make new friends and connections.



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