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I'm back!

Remember when I told you the chapter of an Impractical Guide to Godhood was going to be big? Well, it happens it may be bigger than I thought (as usual).

So in my limitless generosity and benevolent tyranny, I have decided you will receive this teaser today, to reward you for your patience. More will come this week, have no fear.

And remember, your enemy can't summon the biggest monster of the Seven Seas if you already summon it first!




Ahaha, I love the title change from godhood Great tease, looking forward to more


“Oh, Kymopoleia, beloved sister, Mister of Violent Storms and Black Seas, I humbly request your help.” Wrote mister instead of Mistress. “Mistress, I think it is best for us to counterattack. We are not going to win this battle by standing on the offensive.” Think you meant defensive here And as the son ended, Lou Ellen Blackstone collapsed. forgot the g in song Great read though! I'm looking forward to how the rest of the battle goes!


You evil evil man. Just giving the teaser. I can't wait for the full chapter to drop. And yeah I had to search the meaning of "escalation" after I read this teaser.


I agree with previous comment that cutting teaser just when the battle really begins was cruel :) So cruel, that it borders with madness ;) By the way, any chances for mentions about number of roman expedition members still alive in comparison to their original number ? Because we still don't know about their casualties.....


Damm, a teaser now for impractical guide?? Thus is evil but I can’t wait for a super sized chapter


The missile exchanges reminded me so much of Let The Galaxy Burn lol. Great teaser, I'm beyond excited for the full chapter!