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I suppose this is a good time to announce to all readers and patrons that on Monday, the writing of the next chapter of the timeline-which-shall-not-be-named will resume (the initials are TWO, if you don't happen to connect the dots).

I have decided the new Arc will be called Legacy, making the next update Legacy 13-1.

As I said already in the last updates, I will try for more 'reasonable lengths' for this timeline's chapters. Obviously, the muses may disagree with my plans, but I hope this won't beat the 40,000 words threshold. All coincidences with a franchise Games Workshop are purely coincidental, of course.

Anyway, I hope I will have at least one totally not-teaser to present you next week.

Have a nice week-end!



I believe it was finished yesterday, is there something weird with pat?


Thanks for the update, and best of luck to you. Take care.