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I promised it, and while it was by far not exactly the most exciting experience I had while writing, The odds were never in my favour has been updated on Archive of Our Own. You can directly go to it via the link here (please tell me if it doesn't work):


I have a few things to do in real life this week, and I would like to begin the next chapter of The odds were never in my favour (plus the repetition of posting an ungodly amount of chapters was really mentally exhausting), so I will likely only update The odds on alternate history somewhere in November. I will most likely update another story on Archive of Our Own tomorrow, though, to compensate for that. Then will come the research work for The odds 112.

I'm going to also add a few more tiers here on patreon. There will be no big rewards, but I appreciate the support from the patreons...and I have a few amusing titles for the tiers.



Well done.