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I said I was very budy beta-ing some stories, so here is my chance to prove it, I guess.

Here is the (long) chapter of the Second Task, properly beta-ed this time...or at least I hope so, given how many hours I spent working upon it (with love, hey, it was Valentine's day yesterday).

Hope everyone enjoy it!



Darn it, i almost got to hope early new chap but it not next month yet... ☹️


Previous chapter was already early, can't expect lighting to strike twice XD


So Antony, I have a question(s) (again) When the Exchequer break the statute and come out of the shadows, do you know how the war that would follow would go? Also will the Exiled try to recruit or get in contact with Arthur Weasley for their Battleships as (in canon at least) he is the closest thing that we are introduced to, to an expert in blending technology and magic (magitech essentially)


I highly doubt the Exiled are going to admit to any Ministry official that they've refloated and enchanted a few battleships until it's time to use them on the Ministry... or another target, maybe. Even if Arthur is a canon character, there's not really a lot of in universe reasons to contact him about a big secret when he's a follower of Dumbledore and works for the Ministry, both groups Alexandria would have no desire to learn her secrets and both groups she has no reason to believe he wouldn't tattle on her about. I also really doubt we're going to get a spoiler as big as how that war would go told to us.

Megaman Beastout

So Antony, would it be to big too big of a spoiler to ask for the power level of Alexandra's, Lyudmila's, Ra's, and Osiris's current magical core? From feats shown, Alexandra looks like she has at least a beta green core. But that core seems to be dwarfed by how much magic Lyudmila can dish out, so much so that it looks like Lyudmila is breaching emperor level core (alpha red?). As for Ra and Osiris, they probably set the standard for emperor level cores so at their peak their were originally at Alpha purple but in modern days they should be significantly weakened.


It is a big spoiler. I can say Alexandra and Lyudmila were about as powerful as each other when they were fourteen...but of course the Dark Queen is several years older than now. And Osiris...well, he was also as powerful the two Dark Champions when he was fourteen. Which, unfortunately, was several millennia ago...