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Heretics! If you thought there would be no retribution for your multiple crimes against the Ancient Laws of Olympus...you were wrong. Deadly wrong.

Heresy must be punished.

And now you will see what happened to the evil minions of the so-called Suicide Squad...please ignore the party they're organising. No, it's a punishment...we think.

No matter. Here is Interlude (or chapter 11) of an Impractical Guide to Godhood, Fallen Order.

The previous chapter will likely be updated soon, unless Hermes is too drunk to deliver the packages worldwide.




This is madness!

Alexander S

Ah a fallen goddess, such gifts they give Percy.


Lovely, thx. What else is cooking this month, other than the proofing of that which shall not be named?


I started playing Hades a few weeks ago and in the course of playing I realized that there are a bunch of similarities between what you did in the story to the setting of the game. like how asphodel is flooded by the phlegathon in the game and that's what Percy did here. also in the new chapter you wrote "the blue-clad Erinye" in regards to Megaera, and there are a few more similarities. did you actually play the game and if so how much inspiration did it give you?


There is two betaing ongoing, in fact, both of them important, as Second Task is a big chapter of The odds were never in my favour. I haven't yet decided what I'm going to write next. I will likely post an announcement to tell the readers.


I have indeed taken some inspiration from the video game Hades. It is excellent innovation in the Greek mythology, and deserves to be acknowledged as such. It gave me some inspiration for the chapters of the Underworld and the 'those appearances of the Gods are different from canon'. But I have introduced other things which are straight from my (a bit crazy) brain...


I think its funny because the only people that Thethys wouldn't want to fight in the Olympians side is Amphitrite and Athena. who are her daughter and granddaughter Respectively I'm sure most of the Olympians have forgotten(except Poseidon since that his mother in law, Athena her grandmother, Dionysus, maybe a few more) that Thethys is the Daughter of two Primordials(which gives her no small amount of power domain and raw wise) Though there are a few mentions that she raised Hera during the Titanomachy so she might not be happy with what happened to her stepdaughter and she sure as fuck isn't happy with what Zeus did to her daughter Metis.(makes me wonder what kind of hell she rasied when zeus ate her because of a possible prophecy) Though the story Undertow of Sand(i recommend it it does some really cool things in the PJO settings)made an interesting idea that Thethys rasied Athena because Zeus attacked her when she was born and she landed in a river and its spirit swept her away to her grandmother & father for safety. which i can actually see happening because of how paranoid zeus is and with what he was willing to do to Metis amd many other moments. Side note: interesting bit is that its said that any child from Metis and Zeus would be stronger then him not just the second child. Its just that the second child would do to him what he did to he did to his Father.


Oh man, this was a fun chapter. Thanks ever so much for sending it out. We managed to see a lot of work in the background going on, and all eyes are turning their attention towards Percy. I think that more than a few characters are right, a civil war in Olympus is all but inevitable now. Hera's 'punishment' has only made the situation worse for the master of Olympus. I think that there are 'interesting' times ahead, so looking forward to that!

Megaman Beastout

I think that it is pretty funny that Zeus is broke after the divorce lmao. I wonder how he's going to get any volunteers with no payment.


I just finally got around to reading your newest chapter and I must say "WTF". Lighting boy seems to forget that he angered a lot of gods and goddesses, one of them is his brother lord of the seas! Kymopoleia's name was brought up and let's be honest I totally see her popping up and demanding what was it three million gold coins or else she has her father's permission to sink your entire fleet. Yes, I can totally see this happing as Hade's part just showed that Fate's little games of toying with the gods are coming to an end. That and I find it odd that Posidan would leave his daughters alone as he did in cannon.


Ahh, character development for Hera. Nothing like being forced to live with people you tried to kill to make you a better person.