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And here is the second one-shot of the month for an Impractical Guide to the Force. It will be updated as Chapter 11!

This time, it's Episode 3 The Revenge of the Sith which goes off the Palpatine-written scenario really, really quickly...



Aww, got my hopes up for other but lets see if this is funny as the last one


I'm pretty sure Anakin thoughts about kinky things that he'd never be able to bring up with Padme is in serious error. coming from a cosmopolitan society compared to Anakin Likely she's gently leading him down the kinky path.to avoid shocking him.


Can I ask for a few practical guides one shots in DC. Because i can just imagine that it would be hilarious as hell to see what the various bad guys to would do there


This chapter is great, the only way it could have been better if it was crack and Obi-Wan had just raised a condescending eyebrow at nefarious for his harem. *for the record I mean a that’s it type of condescension


To be honest, a lot of the times, the villains of DC don't really need Dread Emperor/Empresses/Villains taking over to fill the evil tropes...just look at Lex Luthor, the Joker, Darkseid, and so on...the same is true for Avengers/Marvel. The guys are already the stereotypes...

Gabriel Meadow

Well, that was hilarious and interesting. I hereby ship Padme/Talon/Anakin. We know he is whipped.


I can *hear* the veins in Palpatine's forehead bursting, through my screen


It was hilarious, but the appearance of Talon brings me to another question. Does her appearance mean that there is a chance of Meetra Surik or Kreia having to deal with one of the dread emperors?