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Here is chapter 42 of the Dance is not Over, the Second Butcher's Ball.

Fair warning, most of the chapter is about a very bloody battle.



Gabriel Meadow

The very definition of a Pyrrhic victory. Of course, the moment Daeron survived the assassination attempt, the War of the Lions could only end one way, but the Greens have suffered plenty of bloodshed and destruction in a valuable territory - all for Walder Reyne's ego.


Yep, one more battle and Walder Reyne returns...well, not to Castamere, not unless he wants to hasten his meeting with the executioner. And yes, the West has suffered a lot putting down this rebellion...though it's not just the Reyne's ego (though it is a major reason); plenty of Houses were really dissatisfied with the leadership of the Lannister and hoped to have a liege which would hear their complaints and resolve them.