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I had not thought much about it before one faithful reader remarked upon it, but the same problem which forced me to withdraw the content of the Weaver Option also applies to the End of Times. While I know it was less popular than Taylor’s adventures here and it is not playing in any warhammer universe, I use very much the names of the Chaos Gods and numerous points of warhammer fantasy lore.

The other stories should be fine, I think. I wanted Let the Galaxy Burn to be more an ASOIAF/Star Wars thing, even if it has a lot of differences with the latter. The odds were never in my favour is a pure Harry Potter AU, so it should be fine too. The Dance is not Over and the other updates are either ASOIAF, Impractical Guide, or something else. Hopefully I will be able to continue posting them in advance here for days to come.

I hope it is going to be the end of the (bad news) announcements for today.

Thanks once again for the understanding.



You panic to much. In fact Weaver Option is non-profit fanfiction work, You release beted, final version, free off charge at fanfiction.net and alternatehistory.com. People donating money to your patreon not for Weaver Option new chapters, as I pointed it before - You post it free anyway. If You afraid of Games Workshop action - just publish new chapters of any GW related works on patreon unlocked. Something telling me - you will not loose any subskribers.


Perhaps. If I do, I will be the first to be in front of my knees in front of the Golden Throne(grin). But I think that at the very least, my prudence is...extremely warranted, shall we say?

Michael Zalesny

Btw could we not get story updates through discord maybe, if you have a server, could make tgat a patreon reward?


I find myself deeply uncertain. According to new guidelines fanfiction must "be non-commercial, with no money being received or paid. This includes all forms of fundraising activity, and generation of any advertising revenue". I think that supporting Antony's works, even if not targeted specifically at GW-related stories, may be viewed as a form of fundraising in this context. In my opinion Antony should pose a question about a hypothetical situation (as in: using patreon to show off beta-version of the story, which will be available free of charge elsewhere anyway), without mentioning which story is affected, via an e-mail provided by Games Workshop for dealing with issues related to IP guidelines. Their answer could provide some clarity about this whole situation.


I am disinclined to ask anything to GW at the moment. Last time I tried to order something ( a codex book) it took three months for it to arrive. Fine, maybe it was the Brexit. But the websites interested in supporting the w40k universe and all the fandoms are closing one after another, the limits are more and more stringent...any one of these 'coincidences' could be exactly that, but once you add them...


And one more thing. You should consider scale. In our little corner - Weaver Option maybe seems like a big deal, but its really not. Youtube channels pressured by Game Workshop - hundreds of thousands to millions subskribers and views. It`s a lot of money. All i`m saying, you people and Antony444 are panicing too much.


Is it not possible to make specifically those stories free to view on patreon? I thought I remember some other authors who only kept their originals locked to stop specifically this scenario or is it the site itself that's the problem?


It is possible, yes. But unless I'm not making any money on this website (which would completely screw up the point of patreon) it wouldn't remove the risk entirely.


From what I have read the changes do not affect the weaver option as the only clause that could be causing issues is the raise money clause but due to other storylines being on antony’s patron it should be fine.

Gabriel Meadow

Your stories are great things. GW is being stupid. I will follow them as they come out on FF.net and Alt History. I can't blame you for erring on the side of caution, Antony. We will prevail. Ave Imperator.


It’s unfortunate. I find most of GW books haven’t as much work as you have done and I frankly like this version more. I hope this doesn’t sit too heavily on your mind. As I am sure from the polls you did, pretty much everyone will jump ship once you have a new place up and running.


Thanks, happy you prefer my work to GW...though I completely understand, often the darkness is a bit too much.


If you are really worried just find a website that can link to your patron but is free to post your stories it neatly side steps the GW guide line while still allows members to get the early previews. Either way I will still support you, your Novels are of a great quality and I love a good story.


I'm sorry to hear about your problems. I hope you will be able to restore The Weaver Option to this site. But you have to follow the law and stay safe. I think you should talk with a lawyer specializing in copyright law. It looks to me like you have over $1000 Euros a month at stake here and that is more then enough money to justify paying a lawyer to spend a couple hours explaining the law to you. Depending on what the law says and how far GW wants to push things you may have overreacted or you may not have yet gone far enough. You need to know what they can actually do and what you need to do to stay out of trouble. I don't think internet discussion boards are a good place to get that information. In addition you need to know what law applies to you. If GW does want to push things do they use British courts (because that is where they are), American courts (because that is where the firms handling the money are) or French courts (because that is where you are). The laws are likely different and I'm pretty sure only in the American courts do you need to worry about them throwing money at the problem until you can't afford to fight anymore. I hope you can get clarity on this.


It really feels like a Vandire is involved in GW’s decision making process sometimes...

Michael Zalesny

GW's guidelines are just that GUIDELINES, they do not have force of law, its just GW will harass people until you stop. They're milking their fanbase NOW because they dont see themselves surviving 3d printing proliferation.

Andrew Norris

Actually, that *IS* a form of C/D, Michael, given how ('spc in common law nations, aka the UK) IP enforcement generally works, this allows them to *move immediately* to lawsuit, if they so choose. (Judges won't be amused by no C/D first, but technically, warning) So, yes, this *is* force of law. IP/Civil law cases are *very* quirky on what is and is not force of law.

Andrew Norris

Further, I agree with Anthony on removing from Pateron. While, yes, a case can and should be made on the busker/lounge singer exemptions to IP protection, Pateron itself and the way Anthony uses it means the case will be at best... iffy. I think it could be won, but it'll cost a shitton. Kofi (ie, tip service) is *very* easily defendable, and most judges would look at GW's lawyers in that case and go "Yeah, whatever."


Unfortunately, if it was only lax guidelines, I wouldn't have been that worried...GW tends to end this in front of a judge or with accounts blocked.


Yes! Undoubtedly this is the last vengeance of Nostradamus Vandire's ghost trying to get back from beyond the grave!


Thanks for the update. GW is GW. For me, I support you on Patreon cuz I want you to keep on writing your stories. Yes, I am sad that I won't be able to read Weaver in advance but as long as it is posted somewhere, I don't much care. I rather you can continue to write and not let GW get you down.