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Right, this is the chapter 82 of The odds were never in my favour, titled Light of Fourth Year. It will be published later this month (once properly betaed) once all websites. It is the first out of two of the chapters which will focus mostly on Hogwarts for fourth year. As one might imagine, Alexandra's not going to spend a lot of time there for several months.

As far as current writing goes, my focus for this week is on a new chapter on the Dance is not Over, that you should see before Sunday.




I’m trying real hard to fix my sleep securely here man....god damn it ‘reads anyway’


Very interesting chapter, and our first time to see Arch-mage Ra. Alex's indication that him and, by extension Osiris, have done something to their souls to reach their level of power is interesting. I wonder if Osiris's aspect as the Avatar of darkness was something like a counterstroke for Ra making himself the Avatar of light and breaking the balance, but I guess it's to early to tell. I wonder what Ra thought about Alex having heard Excalibur's song. The fact she knew where it is is probably a very big deal, considering it was being hidden by those Goblins. Ravenclaw being a deserter in Alex's predecessor's army is a nice touch to. Also, we finally find out what the Time turner was for, and its responsible for trying to free the Dragon that is powering Hogwarts Wards. I wonder how that ties in with the Dragon giving off less energy to fool them, or is it one and the same? Narcissa being freaked out about how powerful and knowledgeable Alex has become is a nice touch, and yes, Voldemort should have ran. To bad for him.


I wonder if Ra can be reasonable and intelligent enough to come to try and form some alliance with Alex. Given that she is very much NOT on the exchequer’s side and he needs a champion of the dark to defuse the giant time bomb that the Exchequer placed under Hogwarts. Would be very interesting to see because so far Alex has had nothing but bad experiences with the light (I am kind of rooting for this to happen if you can’t tell) and it would also be interesting to see what he would give her in return (possibly he could convince Dumbledore to give her the elder wand so she can reclaim deaths hallows)


In fact, Ra has no idea if Alexandra is on the Exchequer's side or not right now. Especially as her mother, believed dead for a while (which is technically true) is serving as Apprentice of a Succubus they're pretty sure is a senior member of the Exchequer (which they're right about). There are big problems about any Light-Alexandra cooperation, though it is not impossible it would happen...but the first thing to do is to apologise for the Battle of Hogsmeade, preferably with Fleur Delacour doing it, and promising to not do it again.


Yes, Osiris' aspect is (in part) a Dark-aligned reaction to what his brother did. Though since the Dark brother was more prudent but had not Fate to support him, it is different in a lot of ways.


Fleur apologizing... can't see it. Gabrielle seems much more reasonable from what you've told us. Is she closer to Alexandra's age in this story?


Haven't decided yet the age of Gabrielle, I'm afraid. Something to rectify as soon as possible, I suppose.

Guilherme Bezerra

Really surprised how you introduced Ra. Him showing up at Hogwarts and staying doesn't make him vunerable? Also out of curiosity is Merlin going to show up somewhere too? I remember he was mentioned being in a prision.


Ra's 'vulnerable in the sense that it's pretty clear Osiris knows he's there now. That being said, it's repeatedly mentioned that Ra and Osiris are monsters in term of pure power, and with thousands of years, he's probably pretty skilled as well. Most likely it would take one or two of the Exchequer Knights to even match him, let alone beat him, especially with Dumbledore there with the Eldar Wand. Merlin's meant to be imprisoned by the Queen of the Exchequer, so he might get out but it is probably a plot point that will happen in the future. Though from what we know of Ra now, Merlin seems to have tried to replicate what Ra did to himself, only Merlin didn't want to mutilate his own soul.


Ra's showing up is a surprise. I'm guessing this means Neville is really important to the Light. Or at least Ra thinks he is. I can't see any other reason for him to come and teach at Hogwarts. Does the idea of Alexandra and two Light Lords (with a habit of arrogantly attacking Dark Champions) traveling on a train that probably doesn't stay all in the normal world on the two days before Samhain strike anyone else as likely to important. I'm expecting Alexandra to end up pulling the Hogwarts Express into Pandamionum but maybe they won't test her. Last of all, I'm really curious what Neville sees when he looks at Ra? I doubt it matches what the Light and intolerance that Alexandra sees.


While I'm not sure what Neville see's, Henri (the champion of Athena, the one who is a classmate of Fleur) mentions that his elders in the Trinity think he is like a living miracle. Henri thinks they should have practised their occulumancy better though. While Neville is a champion, it seems Fate isn't really talking to him the way Morrigan is talking to Alex, s who knows. Well, besides Antony anyway:)


One point of criticism: the chapter needs to include Ra’s cover name, otherwise it doesn’t feel like he really has one. On the other hand, it will be brilliant if Ra and Dumbledore have to go begging Alexandra to help save Hogwarts: “I’m sorry we killed your mother, tried to kill you, and made your life hell, but can you help us save the school?” Dumbledore’s reflexive bigotry notwithstanding, she’s easily the best option.


True, I will likely add it. On the other hand, even if I do, don't think it has any importance. Names for immortal are not exactly in short supply. As for Dumbledore...well, he's not exactly in a good position to be sure.