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My dear friend,

I was reorganising recently my collections in the galleries of the M35 period, and in particular the extensive artefacts recovered during the Battle of [REDACTED], when I happened to notice a copious manuscript written by your hand that happened to fall into my possession.

Now, let it not be said that I am an unjust Collector - and I also happen to have three Crypteks bound for the next millennia redacting the tale of the Cataclysm wrought by Operation Stalingrad - I return it to you as a end-of-millennia present.

Oh, and if you could send me a few more Eldar blades to compensate for the latest Harlequin incursion, I would be deeply grateful.

Tell our mutual friend the plagues of the abominations will soon abate and that the darkness is only a fleeting moment before apotheosis of purpose.

I will wait for you at [REDACTED]!

Trazyn the Infinite Collector, Chief Archeoevist of the Solemnace Galleries, Master of Collections, Acting-Triarch



Happy birthday!

Silver Wolf

Happy Birthday, may your next one not be in better times. Once again, thank you for the chapter. Also ultramarine POV? Is that a typo?


Happy birthday. And thanks for the chapter.


And another happy birthday and thanks for the chapter


Thanks for the chapter and Happy New Year! If it is your Birthday on top of that then Happy Birthday also! I hope the day went well for you.


Happy Birthday, and later tonight Happy new year.


Birth of carcharodons? 1 legion marching to war? Fun chapter, happy happy b day!


Um Antony, you might want to check the bottom of the document as there is a line of text saying ‘Ultramarine POV - Calth schematics’ after the Author’s Notes section

Boris Michenski

Happy birthday to you and Happy New Year! Well… that escalated quickly. So, apparently Operation Stalingrad will happen much sooner, and without Lorgar being anywhere close. And Oblivion Cegorath was warning against is also much closer than expected… So what should we expect – a coalition of Imperium, Eldars and non-too-Imperialistic Necrons against the guard of Throne of Oblivion? With probably orks thrown into the mix for more atmosphere. Is Alethiometer related to the fact that Gavreel (crash)landed on Wuhan in the first place? And Rokossovsky is here! That makes me happy! Thanks once again for your great work!


Ah, sorry...well I'm not going to reupload the chapter for a minor detail like this. Often I write other possibilities, things I might make use or have their importance, but which are rejected. this was one of these things which I didn't end up cancelling.


Yes, it is a typo. Was discarded but for some reason, Word didn't suppress it when I asked it to...


Thanks for all the compliments! Oh, be careful about your assumptions...though the first POV of Ovation 9-4 will unveil what the Necron-Human have in mind to stop the Throne of Oblivion.


Happy birthday and a Happy New Year! May the coming year be better than 2020. The coming battle is going to be a huge mess and it will be interesting to see the fallout from it. Still it will be interesting to see who is going to be invited to this one since they could not join the fun at Commorragh.


Happy birthday to you and Happy New Year! Hapiness and have a great party. And health. And thanks for the chapter.


Happy birthday to you, happy birthday, happy birthday to you youngling, as part of my gift to you i am making the first of four Omakes ready for you so you can have it tonight or tomorrow.


All I can imagine is the sheer carnage implied here. I mean we have Necron Super-fleet incoming; we have a VERY large WAAGH incoming too. Not to mention the Word Bearers are already mustering. Don't know about you, but I can only imagine the aftermath of a FOUR WAY WAR is currently incoming. The Diviner might end up wishing he stays as a 'permanent' guest of Trazen; if his actions end up tearing the heart of the Monolyth's defenses loose, the Silent King would likely pull him apart molecule by molecule the next time he sees him!!!!

Boris Michenski

"The Imperium as it stands today is more and more working in spite of the Administratum’s efforts to sabotage it, not because the scribes do a good job.” I have olny one thing to say here: "Guilliman, wake up, you are needed!!!"


Happy New year. Stay safe and have fun

Richard Paull

Happy birthday and have a happy new year! Loved the chapter - I NEED to know what Operation Stalingrad is.


Oh Antony you do know your suppose to receive gifts not hand them out on your birthday don't you! Anyway just saw this in my email so I'll say thanks for the New Year Gift and have a Happy Birthday!

frank schellingerhout

nice chapter thx for the words as always poor missy being around so many abs cant be good for her blood presure


Thank you! Happy Birthday and Happy New Year!


Cheers, looking forward to rereading the whole thing.


Amazing chapter as always, Antony :) I wish you a Happy Birthday and New Year!


Oh yes, the Silent King isn't going to be pleased by Orikan 'initiative'...in fact words like pleased might light-years away to what he really feels...


Ah I suppose I understand the principle of birthday better now (grin)...Thanks and Happy New Year!


Happy New Year! Don't worry the bases of the Operation will be explained in 8-4.


Thanks, and no, it isn't good for Missy, not good at all...especially when she hasn't a boyfriend.


See the good side, all this sum of tens of thousands of words of reading...


Happy new year! And happy belated birthday 🎉


Happy New Year, Antony! Grats on finishing the next chapter so soon, and hope 2021 is much better!


Happy New Year, Antony. Regarding the new chapter, I must think that Taylor may have already built up her Army Group right now otherwise in the next chapter, she would be sorely outmatched, outgunned and her army would be less than the Army she brought to Pavia. Did she already rebuild it? I also would like to think that she took Cypher seriously and asked the most of Guilliman's progeny to help her "greet" Lorgar in the Ymga Monolith.


happy New Year! And no, Taylor hasn't had an Army Group on hand. This was exactly the point she made when the Inquisition asked for significant firepower to crush the Orks. The only 'Army Group' on hand is her swarm of insects...which to be sure is very, very dangerous, but suffers from several drawbacks (mainly that it can't really function without her at the helm).


Happy belated birthday


Vortigern von Drenthe the Eighth just sad he could not join in on the betting. Looks like the ruler of Nyx is going to have to send out the call for reinforcements. The problematic, well now slave got his just rewards. He knew slavery at the hands of the C-tan and all that crap ahead of time yet he helps it happens anyway. There a point where you let the revolution happen for the good of everything.


Hi, can Vista bend space in your story (magnifying glass) so that it can use solar rays as a laser / microwave weapon? Her range should be enough for this, if the planet just has daylight. If so, then that would be a great WTF moment in a later chapter ^^


No, I at least I don't think so. Will have to check with my beta and canon-expert. I admit it would be a great moment of awesome after which all surviving enemies promptly scream in terror...

Aaron Kay

Happy Birthday 🎂