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Imperial citizens! Despite the hardships suffered in fighting the foul minions of decay and plague, it is more vital than ever to prove to your comrades that your faith in the God-Emperor remains at an all-times high!

Therefore, you are ordered to wildly purchase and deploy as many Sanguinala objects in your possession as humanly possible!

Remember the sacrifice of Sanguinius! Merry Sanguinala!

(This message has been brought to you by the Imperial Bureau of Propaganda. We dearly wish to remember that the consumption of amasec is to be limited when our Space Wolves' guest will land in a few hours).



Um, is anybody else getting an error trying to open the file?


Nope. I read it just fine. Also, that bit at the end.... that guy is in for a big suprise when Missy arrives.

Boris Michenski

And so we have Krieg coming into the story. "Trade Corps" - this is good but cruel joke. But now that Taylor is involved with it, Fall may never come... Still, it strange that a planet on such strategic location would be abandonned to civil war without reinforsement. There is one thing I don't get, how Taylor and Wei expect to still live as a couple while ruling two different planets? Originally I thought Wei gouvernatorship would be a temporal mesure, but it doesn't seems that way.

Boris Michenski

I think Missy trys to compete with Taylor in number of Penal Legion created... But I fear it's hopeless for her.


Speaking of the foul minions of decay and plague, were any found on Wuhan? It seems appropriate considering that's where Covid started, but it looks like they jumped ship. Great work as always. An excellent early Christmas present.


Trade korps to death korps,Brilliant! Thank you for the chapter. Happy holidays!

frank schellingerhout

thx for the words as always ^_^ loved the krieg trade corp and with the fall of the 4 krieg death corp may never come. as for the last bit some one is going to sleep with the fishes soon me thinks


Nope, everything is working correctly. Have you tried to appease the machine-spirits?


Not that many ironically. Because the hierarchy and the social structures were still changing a lot, though if left like this, it would have been only a matter of time...I had not the strength to make common points with RL, I am not that evil... Thanks for the compliments!


Ironically enough, the joke may very well be true in canon, we don't know much about the Krieg pre-devastation, but it was very big on trade...

Silver Wolf

Thanks for the early Sanguinala gift

Boris Michenski

There is one precision I would like to ask: in 2-1 it was said that Chen Cao's daughter got transported to Terra on a Black Ship. Was it Mei? Because Wei wasn't his daughter, so she could hardly be her sister... or do we have some families secter revealed once everyone else is dead? Oh, and I was speaking about Potifex-Gouvernor and his friends going into Legions, no the mister who loves salmon so much.

Gohu lacd

Thanks for the gift Antony, Merry Sanguinala to you !


Thanks for the Christmas gift Antony, and have a merry Sanguinala!


"Insufficient purity of our metals and alloys?" - Aren't the STCs supposed to be complete instructions on manufacture, from A-Z? Including alloy processing and such? Meant for colonies with no particular sophistication? There was a notice from Dragon on alloys in a previous chapter regarding the space elevator.


Oops. An error in my notes I see. I will check, but if Mei is indeed Chen's daughter, she's Wei cousin.


Note that the Tech-Priest went on a lsit of possible failures, not necessarily the correct ones...and yes, the STCs have the complete instructions on manufacture...those relatively intact from Athena database, at least. Those are Commorragh are relatively intact, but they do not have all the documentation...


Thanks! Have an excellent Sanguinala, and if I may be forgiven a heresy, joyeux Noël.


For twenty-four hours, your heresy will be forgiven (no more, the Inquisition has a reputation to uphold). Joyeux Noël!


KRIEG! KRIEG KORPS! Heck Yeah. Oh they're going to get along quite well with Weaver I feel. Keep it up man, you're killing it! No, really, you just killed a Chaos god wtf.


One of these days, the Enterprise is going to stumble across a well-managed hive world and Taylor will be pleasantly surprised.

Red Bard

And maybe the Lamenters will have some good luck