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It took me a lot of hours (so many I won't disclose it) but the beta-ing work for Ovation 9-2 has been finally accomplished. Don't hesitate to pray for all the souls of the beta who have been sacrificed to the Astronomican in order for this feat to be possible.

Update on other websites will be...soon.

Concerning the poll, it appears The Weaver Option is once more victorious, praise the Master of Mankind!

I was a bit delayed by all the beta-ing work, but I should be able to begin writing it by Wednesday. Hopefully I will be able to  finish it before the 31st, ending this year on an hopeful note after so many...frustrating news brought by the cursed year of 2020.

Ave Imperator, and praise the Moth!


Boris Michenski

Glad to see it'll be posted soon, I've some thought to share about it. Otherwise, the part about Missy making space her toy got bigger and clearer - which is good. There is also this part: A large data-slate was handed to the other parahuman, and Dragon didn't take long to digest/absorb the information. - do not forget to make a choice before posting it. )) AVE IMPERATOR!


It is rather notable that the Catachan general does not remark that the ants are now golden rather than yellow...


All I can really say is the same thing I say every time I finish a chapter. I need more! With that said, thank you for another great chapter. A quick question. As someone who has never read any of the books/played any games in the 40k universe is there any where you would recommend as a starting point to start getting into it and at least get some background information?


Compared to the fact Weaver has tamed the ants, the colour isn't that important...plus there are a lot of shades existing on Catachan anyway.


Thanks! My suggestion would be to begin with codexes of the 7th or 6th edition, to give the background information about species, then the books before the Great Rift. After that...maybe the Dan Abnett books, and the Ciaphas Cain series. They give a lot of good background information on the setting.


Loved this Chapter and cant wait for next one^^


I know they probably wouldn’t do well outside of lava environments, but I kind of want to see space marines riding lava-plesiosaurs. Perhaps if Taylor ever decides to build a forge-themed throne room in tribute to the mechanicus, she can have room for a family of lava-plesiosaurs to frolic in rivers of lava around her throne. I love that hellhound is getting more depth, and am curious to see what traditions each new chapter derives from their surroundings. Also, nice for Missy to have a Rashan to talk to and keep her sense of normal intact in 40k


Yes, it would be awesome...but not very practical. Salamanders (the Nocturnan species, not the Space Marines) would be more practical...though there are always problems with species born of lava worlds...like their tendency to hibernate if it gets too cold.