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Okay, I've finished working on the End of Times update (will be published later for everyone this week) and I am going to work on The odds were never in my favour for the better part of this week, as well as The Weaver Option 9-2 if I receive the final version from my beta.

This should keep me busy until the 13th, I think. 

The question I have for you, dear patrons is...what do you want me to work upon for the end of the year? (whatever you decide, there is be the chapter 77 of The odds were never in my favour and Ovation 9-2 of The Weaver Option updated this month)


Boris Michenski

We need more Weaver - Glorious and Victorious!


I would suggest doing ranked polling (if available), not that it looks like it will make a huge amount of difference in this case.

Tyler Machado

Odds is a story series that is going to take for ever. Book 3 was so long and I bet like the real Harry potter books, it only gets longer from here. I think you should choose which series will take the longest and focus on them. Otherwise, we will still be reading odds in 15 years.


I gotta be honest much as I love Weaver option, you give us book length chapters for that so the timing of their release actually works really well. Odds has much shorter chapters and makes more sense to get more of.

alex love

The only reason I'm a patron is for weaver.


I am a patron also because of Weaver Option i like to your fic with Ice and Fire with Warhammer, but i was always liked more 40k


Well a combination of "An impractical guide......" and Weaver Option, like the little snippets note i'm a great fan of your Harry Potter too,

Gohu lacd

Antony, my friend, let us be real here. "The odds were never in my favour " is a good story, and personaly it's my 2nd favorite among your works. "Galaxy burn", "Endtimes", "Dance" are well written but not in the most popular setting. "Impractical guide" is new and very endearing. But "The weaver Option" ? It is a master piece, something so great, so massive that it is the main reason why you have so many patreons (I mean, it's the case for me). Given the choice, I'm practicaly sure that for 80% of us, we will always choose it over the rest.


Yes, the poll reflects why everyone is here rather well - nearly 90% for the Weaver Option (including myself), with the Odds having nearly 10%.


Forever is such an overexaggerated statement (grin). But yes, this story is far from over.


I am going to do ranked polling, but I will certainly take into account the results below first rank the moment I have spare time (Dragon-style).


I think many share your point of view, since the Weaver Option is in the lead...


I will try to see what I can do, though most obviously the Weaver Option eats a lot of time...


Thanks for the compliments, the support, and the explanations. Continue reading!


Yep, though it had only been a few hours, the poll will be opened for a week (though as you say, a certain trend may be observed from a statistical perspective...)


Weaver option here too. I had to make sure I had 100% access to finding the updates. Since I dropped the other writer I was following here. I should give you his donations amount added to yours. Lol.


And another vote for the Weaver Option. I like the other stories but the Weaver Option is why I became a patron. It will be interesting to see how often you get to read that in this thread.


I have to note Weaver Option is why I started on Patreon, but I will also note the Odds is my second read. And I will admit I'm VERY curious to see who's going to be "The Next Contestant" (Nickelback reference!) to draw Taylor's attention and in what manner. I found the noble from Samara's reactions to Taylor's 'polite' grilling was highly amusing. The fact he wasn't planning on being stupid did get some respect from myself, as it shows that as much as he was a Noble at heart, he was aware part of why he was IN this position was because his people pulled shit they really shouldn't have, and now he's got to deal with the mess left behind....


I started reading Antony`s works with A Different Weasel Makes Difference, then Let the Galaxy Burn and Odd Were Never in My Favour. But I got onto Patreon because I wanted the early access to chapters.


Yep, it's not fun to speak to Taylor when you're in a position of weakness and you have to admit you and/or your subordinates have screwed up...


Weaver Option is the reason I decided to subscribe in the first place. As far as I can tell ( I read ~40 chapters once out of curiosity) "The odds were never in my favour" is not a bad story, but frankly there are many decent stories in that particular fandom, some of them far more interesting in my opinion. Weaver Option not only decidedly wins quality-wise against your story about Potter, but also has additional advantage: good fanfiction set in Warhammer 40k is very rare. Great stories combining Warhammer and 40k settings? Extremely rare. If we add additional limitation and look only for long (as in: more than 250,000 words) high-quality stories? Then Weaver Option is unique as far as I know.


Weaver option brought me here and got me subscribing. I like The odds are never in my favor. No opinion on the other stories.


I like your other stories but weaver option is by far my favorite.


LIke others, Weaver Option is my favourite, but I would like to see the Christmas Surprise.


I like your other stories but weaver option is by far my favorite. Ike others, Weaver Option is my favourite, but I would like to see the Christmas Surprise. I voted for Weaver Option.


I subscribed for the Weaver Option, but I voted for the Dance is not Over just to show it some love.


I fully agree, there are plenty of excellent Harry Potter AU which shares some premises with my story while w40k stories tend to be less abundant on Internet...


Weaver option is my favorite, but since it is winning I am voting for the Xmas surprise!


Thank you for writings your stories! Happy holidays!


A good choice, but I think the Weaver Option lead is now difficult to catch up...


Happy Holidays to the glorious author.


Thanks for the stories and I hope your Christmas goes well!


We need Christmas lewd special :V


Weaver Option is by far my favorite, and I can hardly turn down an opportunity for more of it.