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The chapter was sent yesterday to the betas, just saying. Unlike some past months, I really can't promise the update will be before month's end. We aren't in holiday period, everyone is tired, and the chapter is quite big (42 000 words and 96 pages according to word).

I am going to work on The Dance is not Over beginning next week. For the next three days, well...I will see, maybe the muses will inspire me to write a few one-shots.




I’ve got a test tomorrow, I was only up this late to make sure my blood sugar was in range, so have the sure-to-be-earned like, and I will confirm it tomorrow :)


Well, I can say I enjoyed the remaining part of this chapter. It advanced ALOT of varied story threads, without getting bogged down anywhere. That said, there are several telling ones. First, the Game of Thrones, Warhammer 40k Edition have truly begun. The intrigues of the High Lords reach out to thread through Taylor's own plans, and the inevitable consequences of this remain yet to be seen. Second, Missy has located part of what Taylor desperately seeks, almost without realizing it. Though she's playing VERY smart, and hiding her intended mining operations as best she can. I dare say the Heracles Wardens are going to have LOTS of fun training their anti-intelligence ops defending Sparta's true value. Third, the Daemons are going NUTS aren't they? If their obsession didn't blind them so much, they might actually be more dangerous. Fourth, the Murder!Clowns are cheerfully arranging more troubles for everyone, but ESPECIALLY for Chaos itself. All in all, I'm getting chills, trying to work out which thread gets plucked next to sing!!!!


The sautekh dynasty is pretty much a black! Next endbringer? Good chapter.


No worries, take as much time as you need. I hope you enjoy the holidays.

Boris Michenski

Well... how many new and great faces! Ax’senaea - I needed sometime to find who she is... Let's hope she never meet Labirinth. But well... when Lotara Sarrin call something Age of Nightmares... it's scary. Well, let them kill each other, hopefully they would do it so well, that Imperium won't have many problems finishing it. And Deathwatchers were so out of loop that they don't know about Commorragh. They will soon learn. And then Imperium will have to think what to do with that green get-together. By the way, Custodes did come, but what about Sisters of Silence? Or will they use less... extravagant methodes of arrival? And finally Pierre fleeing before Rylanor was super! Only Bjorn is missing. By the way, who is eldest amongs them? (Or Among Us? Tsss...)


Thanks a lot, and yes Game of Heresy, your new show is on the road...it's going to be very energetic soon...


And totally justified. The Calyx Expanse is not going to have a good time with Litara and Malicia fighting it. To give credit to the Deathwatch, secrecy and security are primordial for their operations. If they were every day in contact with the general astropathic relays, it would mean their enemies would be able to find them too. The Sisters of Silence are there. They indeed use less extravagant methods of arrival. Rylanor is the eldest out of the Dreadnought trio (he was there when the Great Crusade began) Bjorn and Pierre are probably quite close in age, they entered service by the last decades of it. Haven't decided yet who is the eldest of the two.


I wonder if any of the Heracles Wardens sent to the Deathwatch are in the team mentioned or at Point Indomitus. It would probably speed up understanding and communications between the Deathwatch and Weaver.


Holy crap man. You just pump these out. I am grateful, haven’t read it yet but I’m sure it’s great. Can’t wait to read it when I get home after work!

Boris Michenski

Well, the question is if Callyx Expance will still be there once these two finish. By the way are Yu'vath trully finished? Because whil in Wiki the are called perverse, Chaos taited and more, it was never said they were purely Slaanesh serving. Could we expect it turning into three-way war between forces of Evil? May be also Angevin Crusade launched much sooner? With Astronomican being brighter and many ressourses freed because of 'no more Commorragh'


Thx for your hard work!


Well I think we have an Idea of where the next campaign is leading us too.


No, they aren't. It's a big galaxy, and there are far closer Deathwatch Fortresses.


The Yu'vath are in a bad way. The Second Fall and the first embers of Malal are making extremely hard for them to maintain any sort of 'stability', and they have both Lotara and Malicia to contend with. As for the future Angevin Crusade...well, I am not going to spoil things for the moment, sorry.


So isnt the Ymga Monolith famous in 7E for having the copy entire armies/armadas for Necrons and any army who uses it? Will Taylor use it to bait Chaos and Orks into waking up the Sautekh dynasty and have all 3 go all ham on each other while she and her army rip apart each piece by piece?


To answer your first question, yes it is. I won't answer the second...


Thanks for all your hard work! I am a bit concerned by the number of scenes in the last couple of chapters that I don't think will have any impact on the plot of the arc. I thought the division between arcs, which focused on scenes immediately relevant to Taylor and those around her, and interludes, which showed the effects of Taylor's actions on the galaxy and gave hints of what was coming, strengthened the story. I'm sad to see that distinction weakening.


Oh there will have a lot of impact on the plot don't worry. But as for the nexxt chapter, it will be really Nyx and Wuhan-focused...


It's interesting to remember how little is known of the internal organization of the Custodes in canon. This is certainly an interesting delegation. A Messenger/Warden to relay the Emperors will is a given, of course - and if he's a Warden in the sense that he's served for 500 years, that would seem to show the delegations importance. A Dankanatoi for traitors, presumably becuase of the schismatics returning and the proposed use of Fulgrim's gene-seed. But the Shadowkeeper is the most interesting presence of all, to not put too fine a point on it. Given the nature of the threats they deal with and what they guard in the vaults under the Imperial Palace, I would be terrified of the thought that one might be needed anywhere near my planet.


Yes, we as readers take for granted all the information which came out of the codex, but the characters in-story have rarely even a small partial picture of the current situation. Glad you approve my Custodes choices.


At least for the Mechanicus, turning Sparta into a minor Mining World will not be too hard. If there are enough resources to make it worth while to extract larger amounts of material Orbital Mirrors are a simple enough method to raise the planets temperature and Climate to a more moderate level and easily within reach of W40k technology. It is also an interesting comparison when Crawl and Dragon meet again on paper. Such a strong comparison and Crawl would probably be able to be more effective for the Imperium if he did not lord his own superiority over his peers so much


Absolutely not, given all the infrastructure and the resources Nyx has, exploiting the resources of a very minor Mining World isn't that difficult. What will takes the longest is transporting everything to Sparta, since it's still not exactly at the heart of the Sector.


Worth noting that Shadowkeepers are in many ways even less known about than the Grey Knights even amongst the Inquisition, not to put a too fine point of it they are likely the most humorless individuals in the entire IoM as a whole. They Guard Things, Beings, Objects and likely Memetic *Its* that can change realtiy about them just by existing, in other words IF the Necronomicon existed, The Shadowkeepers would be the ones to guard it, they are likely also keeping taps on things that either CAN*T be destroyed or are to valuable to destroy, it is telling that EVEN Tzeentch CAN*T foresee precisely what would happen if Terra was destroyed, only *A great Change* what that change would incl is anybodys guess, but even during the siege of Terra 200 Shadowkeepers where STILL kept patroling the lower dungeon. Shadowkeepers has access to and uses equipment that is otherwise forbidden to EVERYBODY else to use or carry due to their mandate, also if you for some reason actually SEE a Shadowkeeper whether you are planetary Governor, Inquisitor, Astartes or even High lords of the Segmentums (Not Terra) Shit has hit the fan in such a way that you are lucky in the extreme if your soul is left intact in some way or form after the Shadowkeepers leave again, note your life is forefit if it has come to that stage, only Grey Knights and Chapter masters can hope for *only* being mindwiped .