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The weekly update of the Weaver Option, which is about 22 000 words and contains...well, nearly everything I've written so far, which is a lot, I think.

We are so far around 19 POVs so that means we're past half of what should be the entire chapter.

As a reviewer told me recently Warhammer 40000 doesn't mean 40k words per chapter, except for me it does...



You know I’m starting to think I may have a problem. Most of the stories I like happen to update or run at 12-8am and I have basically ruined my entire sleep schedule to read them. Good thing classes are all online right 😅


Great update, looking forward to more as always. And I love you are giving the other parahumans a chance to shine like with Missy. It occurs to me that although it might be difficult her power would be terrifying in ship to ship combat. If I remember right her manton limit is she can't warp space with living things in it so in space there is nothing to stop her from say warping the distance between the enemy ships and her missiles or boarding torpedoes leaving the enemy no time to react then stretching the distance between their ships and hers so they are out of range. Or Missy could just do what she did in the update

Boris Michenski

Well, I didn't like apearance of Communists... On the other hand, it's true that many opportunistic scum tried to proclame it. And they won't defame that ideal for long. Otherwise... big cheezes starts to feel their positions crumbling. Nyx is expanding. Insectophilie is spreading... it's dangerous. If I understood right Felix Sulla is an ex Imperial Fist? And there is still orks coming to Tigrus?


Vista “ I am the law” beautiful ! One of your best lines.


It's so NICE to see everyone getting a good look at the full-sized Dragon taking shape in the Nyx sector, and that there ARE some intelligent people beginning to realize those teeth are NOT for mere show. It makes the inevitable Idiots look properly insane. The fact the Templars are getting a look at Vista's rather ruthless side, and having their Idiots be banished by Airlock Drops is amusing. The fact Missy's rather brutally crushing the xenophobia without any hesitation, not to mention she just gave a TERRIFYING example of exactly how dangerous a Shaker 9+ can be. I mean, how DO you counter a freaking MOUNTAIN being dropped from miles above you? Especially when your not deep underground but on the surface??


It would be interesting to see a reaction of Vista/Taylor/Dennis from back in worm/ward viewing the them of now. They would be absolutely appalled at what they had become. And it is glorious thanks for the “snippet”.


You live in the wrong time zone, but don't worry it can happen to the best...


Don't worry, as the Sparta scenes will continue, you will be amazed by everything the Communist Revolutionary Syndicate for the Spartan’s People have built. Felix Sulla is an ex-Imperial Fist chosen to lead the Fists of Roma, yes. And yes, Tigrus hasn't finished (yet) with the ork threat...


You're welcome. And yes, if Missy can find a way to make her powers really work on space combat, she would be a monstrous threat. When a single breach can prove a catastrophe for any warship if in the worst location, imagine when one is playing with the entire hull and distorting it like a pretzel...and she can be very terrifying on the ground already.


Yes, there isn't really a way to counter the mountain-drop. Even Taylor and Dragon best move would be to go all-out in firepower and do wild evasion manouvres to not be caught on the blast.


Yes, likely. Of course, this dreadful galaxy has a way to change persons in unpleasant forms unless you choose to remain an hermit on some god-emperor's forsaken world...

Boris Michenski

Well, we will have to see what Sparta has in store for us. Wonder if Missy will have enough action to burn her energy and her Shard need for ‘data’. By the way, I suspect there is something wrong here: Ultima Segmentum Nyx Sector Nyx Fay System Fay 5.951.296M35 Brigadier-General Tanya Sevrev

Robbie Baker

Vista just yeeted a MOUNTAIN. Spartens, meet a Shaker 12.


My one problem with this chapter ironically is when Missy said how badly the people on the Sparta penal colony was paid. Thing is it's a penal colony they don't get paid at all there more or less slaves until death. Wait never mind Missy was talking about the workers on Nyx ignore the above. Though I will say it was extremely stupid of her to bring a Xeno along with her all it does was inflame the Priests and even if there idiots and incompetent's they still have allies to make there displeasure known and this could affect Taylor for having a Minister consort with Xeno's. And while I agree that change must be done for the Imperium when it comes to Xeno's since they can't keep fighting millions of Xenos species at once. It has to be done slowly and surely here you don't just change thousand of years of tradition by a click of your fingers after all. And bluntly I expect blowback from a lot of factions within the Imperium because of Missy's action of bringing a Xeno's along. And I honestly I expect either later in chapter or next chapter for Missy to get a tongue lashing form Taylor for this move since it really was shortsighted. No matter how cute she thinks they are she shouldn't have done that at this point.


The first point is indeed problematic, I will see the passage and see if it's necessary to change it. For the 'stupid to bring a xenos along', you assume Taylor and Missy were interested in letting most of the Frateris Templars upper command alive. The Pontifex-Crusader had been considered 'not guilty', but that doesn't mean the rest of his command doesn't deserve a bolt pistol against the temple. And the Rashans have been declared acceptable by the Ecclesiarchy and the other Adeptuses. So going against the edict is treason...and I believe everyone knows the penalty for that. Missy could have handled the situation better, if she wanted to. But as her first threat of sending the commanders via airlock strongly implied, our powerful Shaker wasn't exactly interested in working with the problematic Frateris Templars.


Thanks for the early birthday present!


Thanks for the update. With this new information about Sparta my speculation now is that the situation on Sparta doesn't have any rational justification. Sparta is a consequence of corruption and incompetence, there is no rational reason for it to exist. I suspect it got built and populated in order to line someone's pocket. I also want to note that Missy's power got a lot more flexible, she didn't use to be able to permanently alter the terrain.


Don’t think it was her just shifting terrain but using gravity and physics to its fullest extent. Make the top of the mountain and everything below it to a certain pint face ‘down’ and gravity will take effect making it seem like she ripped the mountain top off when in reality she is just effecting the gravity’s direction and orientation to keep the mountain floating and moving. Many ways which she could have used her power to accomplish this all more terrifying than the last.


Fucking Missy man... she has been drinking Taylor’s coolaid


You know when I read the scene with Scout Phanuel, I was reminded of the scene in Pirates of the Caribbean 3 when Jack stares with his mouth open as crabs move the Black Pearl


I smell Bellerophon in the way you depict Sparta. This is excellent.


Considering how benevolent and enlightened the rule (yoke?) of Atlantis is, I have trouble seeing why Vista and Taylor view revolutionary cells as evil...


The rule fo Atlantis isn't pretty to be sure. But when murderers, rapists and all sort of criminals unite in a rebellion, you can have reasonable guesses the regimen they will create isn't exactly a nice one either...more to come, we're about half-way into the Spartan Arc.


Missy the Dreaded Judge or Judge Missy the Dread. Since dread is what people is going to fell when they find out that she is judging there case after the news on how she is handling the rebels on Sparta. Wondering if anybody did take the time to record what Vista did with that poor innocent mountain.

Gohu lacd

It's stronger than me, but every time Lisa does something amazing, I play "Mothra song" in the background, and every time its breath taking.

Boris Michenski

Honestly, when I first begun to read Alice PoV in Lisa's Dome, I though the challenge would be to run while Lisa pursue them... Possibly carrying something tasty with order to bring to objective without letting Lisa get it.


The Mechanicus have always servo-skulls or servo-owls around them, so yes, the exploit has been properly recorded.


Templar: you just threw a mountain at them! Missy: Size means nothing to a Jedi!