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My next attempt in the Star Wars verse. As you would likely guess from the form I wrote it, it is more intended to be a long-term story...if I ever find the time and the motivation to begin it.



The GrandMage

That was very, very good. I enjoyed it greatly, thank you.


Well so much for the new Star Wars canon. Hope you decide to continue this eventually!

Brett Tamahori

Well that's going to be some interesting spanners in the ... everything really.

Benjamin Mages

Yessss good good. I would theoretically prefer a setting other than the Disney trilogy to be the base, but you're not known for sticking loyally to the chosen setting anyways so I'm looking forward to it. Now you just need to abandon one of the stories I'm not reading and replace it with this!


Wait I can get a real set of the trilogy remade and remastered? For 5 dollars a month where they will not use hyperspace near any heavy gravity, which will at best force the spaceship out of hyperspace and usually a flaming piece of scrap metal. Did I just discover heaven?!


Yep, as I always destroying canon is a pleasure of mine. Thanks for the support!


Ha! Ha! We will see...I will certainly begin to work on another chapter soon, though the beta of the Weaver Option should arrive on Sunday and that might delay things...


I can confirm that yes, there will be no hyperspace near any source of heavy gravity or any kind of 'ramming hyperspace attacks' - and if one character is stupid enough to suggest it, they won't exactly be shy explaining why it is a dreadful idea. Thanks for the enthusiasm!


Can't help but think Catherine would not be too impressed with the First Order. The Empire was an awful oppressive human-centric totalitarian empire, but it was an empire first. The First Order...they're Empire fanboys. Angry manchildren throwing temper tantrums whose aim is to recreate the evils of the Empire first, and create an Empire second. Or never even. Very much in the mold of certain of the more incompetent Dread Emperors. But hey, so long as she wants to get away from Jakku and the First Order she'll have a loyal friend in Finn, who would like to not be in the awful place as soon as possible please and thank you.


Have to admit, not the biggest fan of the sequel series. However, I do like a Practical Guide to Evil, and messing up canon. I will watch this with great interest. Also, I really hope Cat screws over Kylo Ren, that would be funny


Oh I'm not either. Too many inconsistencies and core principles of the legends era were discarded in the name of cool. Something I hope to remedy... but yes, Cat is going to meet a certain Solo, though he won't be exactly the same as in the movie...


Oh I can assure you Catherine isn't going to be impressed with the First Order. Beginning with their extreme racism. In both lives, she had lived through a huge amount of non-human species, so the behaviour of the Palpatine loyalists is NOT going to meet her approval...


Is The weaver option on hold for the moment?


No, it isn't. I'm correcting the beta for Ovation 9.1 right now, and I will begin Ovation 9.2 next week.