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This time for the third one-shot, we return to Tatooine, which is...under new management.

Dread Empress Atrocious has come, and the sand planet isn't going to be the same for a long time...



Yesss yesss please more can't get enough of this crossover

Benjamin Mages

Also, is this going to remain a highly entertaining series of one-shots, or do you plan on making a full (and less cracky) crossover/story later?


It seems I have addicted one. Everything proceeds as I have foreseen (evil laughter).


Both, I think. I have a lot of deranged ideas for the one-shots, there are so many fascinating Dread Emperors who deserve their moment to shine...


... Assuming that I could keep myself unimportant enough and the job paid really well I would probaply apply for the tour guide job....