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Second one-shot in the same vein as the first, but this time, instead of Dread Emperor Irritant, we have Dread Emperor Traitorous taking the body of Emperor Palpatine.

As a result, the conversation for a certain Jedi aboard the Death Star II isn't exactly the one he had prepared for...




Omg that was awesome I really want for their to be more

Benjamin Mages

Hilarious. It's definitely the better of the two snippets, I really enjoyed reading it.

Boris Michenski

I love it. Once again I don't catch all, because I'm unfamiliar with Practical Guide, but still it's super. Just strange that Vader didn't took at least some of his master idea and didn't bring a bomb - just in case. But well, I have to admit, missing Lea was very stupid.


Was dread emperor traitorous the one who was his own disloyal chancellor? Edit: the only part that saddens me was Vader getting cut stomped twice, while Anakin was never all that impressive. Darth Vader always seemed pretty damn awesome. Btw Dread emperor traitorous forever!


Vader, in all aspects, has one of the worst matches-up ever with Traitorous, because the guy will never fight fair. Other Dread Emperors would have made it a more 'fair' fight. And yes, there's no reason why they missed Leia...


Multiple chancellors, lad. With how often he tried to overthrow himself, I suspect he used quite a few of them... Vader is powerful and skilled, but that doesn't mean a lot when your 'Master' has engineered every betrayal you made and prepared dozens of means to neutralise you. Hail Dread Emperor Traitorous!


I actually expected Dread Emperor being disguised as Obi Wan before and guiding this plot from the start, teaching Luke & angering Vader against himself

Boris Michenski

And in this case Lukes family would have been killed not by Empire, but by rebels on Obi Wan/Dread Guy pay check in order to push boy on way he wanted him.