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The beta-ed chapter 73 of The odds were never in my favour is now ready. It will be posted before the end of the week. Things also progress up-to-date on the Weaver Option...but I will once again be unable to deliver an update with less than 50 000 words.

Continue to read everyone!



Can’t wait for more and also find it kinda funny how you can’t manage to make an interlude chapter smaller than most novels 😅 not complaining of course and as always I look forward to more of The Odds


Just caught up on the odds were never in my favor yesterday. I joined the patreon for the weaver option because I love both universes, but now I can for sure say its your writing because I was never a huge harry potter fan but Iove this story just as much!


Also since we know that she is working on making Magical muggle weapons like cannons and such can we pretty please get a scene during on of the Main Trials where she uses a Holy Hand Grenade 😋 I mean it would be just so fitting and I could see this fitting into her type of personality perfectly. Maybe it being a WWW prototype she collaborated on but made even more powerful.


One has to wonder what Wizard Society would get out of "Monty python and the Holy Grail", both the Holy Hand grenade and the Beast of Caerbannog of the Black Beast of ARGHHHhhh,,,


Everyone would flee facing the Beast of Caerbannog. There are some horrors in this world which aren't meant to be faced...


+ The Epitaph "Killed by Rabbit" is not a particularly heroic memory to leave behind either :-)


Alex is building a navy, is captain John price available?