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At long last it is done! Praise the Emperor! It took me (too many) hours of work, but the chapter 41 is at last complete and will be posted on all websites in a few hours.

Now for the rest of the planning. 

The next chapter of the End of Times will be ready here on Sunday, and I think I will post it next week on ff.net and alternate history/

From Monday to Friday I will not write. I am going on familial holidays, and after months of writing I'm giving myself a small break.

Of course, the good news is that after this, I will be regenerated and begin by Sunday 9th at the latest the second Interlude of the Weaver Option, along with the posting of a new The odds were never in my favour chapter.

As for Interlude 1 itself, the most important modifications were from Thanathos, who has decided loyally to improve the Skaven speech. Yes-yes he did!




Enjoy your break, you deserve it!


Thanks for the chapter, have fun on your break and stay safe!


Praise the God-Emperor and his Living Saint, Antony444!

Silver Wolf

As always good work, question before you go on break will Taylor inform the Salamanders on the portal to Terra?


Oh I will...it's getting a bit too warm where I live (37 celsius in the shadows...except there's no shadow in the afternoon).


The Salamanders as a whole, no. The Chapter Master of Nocturne, possibly, though it will be most likely in a null zone and behind extra-powerful anti-scrutiny fields.


Yeah re-reading I noticed rather than just altering the Terra portal it was 5000 portals whose destinations got shuffled. We'll see if Weaver made a useful tapestry with whatever didn't burn. Maybe there is still hope for Dragon to get a webway portal to reverse engineer.


One detail in the final ff.net version of the Fabricator Locum segment, in the part “...all the latests database and template discoveries lay with the Mechanicus” should be “...lay with the Nyx Mechanicus.”


So did Nyx not get the broadcast for reinforcements after the invasion started? Missy and Dragon seemed surprised by the news.


No, it did not. It was too far away and astropathic chatter, especially if it's not purposedly sent towards you, can take a while to arrive.


I will look at it, but I haven't the motivation to re-do a cycle of modifications...


Welcome back, well that was brilliant


Well done! an exciting read looking forward to more. But a quick question were the artifacts that activated the blackstone fortress the Eye of night and the core crystal recovered before the 2nd activation of the weapon. if not are they lost to the warp?


They were recovered before the activation and are now in possession of the Adeptus Custodes.


Signed up to patreon for you, for this story (weaver option.) Excellent work; thank you.


I have to wonder how he death of a Chaos God will affect the those in the Imperium who are truly in the know about Chaos. Like Inquisitors and other high ranking adepts. In their faith they oppose Chaos but none of them can see and end game, which in such a conflict detrimental. But now the Emperor has


None of them can see an end to the war, But now the Emperor has brought about the dead of a Chaos God. They know that their great enemies can be killed.


After that entire arc? Yeah, a break is well earned my friend. But considering you were ALSO working on other stories at the same time?! Please, by all means, all of them, let yourself relax. You deserve it. Really great chapter, love where its going, I don't wanna wait for more, but I'm gonna have to if I want the quality it has been since, well, the beginning of the story. Love the fact that Taylor is basically the "Daughter" of Sanguinius and gonna be the Leader, so to speak, of the Blood Angels (i'm assuming, could be wrong.) Also looking forward to the meeting of The Emperor and Weaver, and so many other things I would take up too much time typing. AGH! THE HYPE!..After a nice vacation. Stay Safe and have fun!


Hope that in the end, the victory is still possible is one of the answers. Of course, human being humans, there are millions of reactions possible...


Will dragon or leet make new astartes power armor ?


Dragon is more likely to do it, I think...mhh...I think it may be spoken about in interlude 2, otherwise it will be Arc 9.


One thing I'm really curious about is why Cawl considered the Enterprise a failed enterprise. I really hope Taylor manages to get that bit of data out of his mechadendrites as part of the exchanges.


There are only 1000 space marine chapters according to lore, distributed across the imperium with higher concentrations around the eye of terror and strategically important worlds, but averaged out, that equals 1 space marine chapter for 19 sectors (pretty sure 19000 was the number of sectors a while back), perhaps 1:22-1:25 in the area of space where Nyx is at. Suddenly three chapters settling down in one place, more on the way, a huge boost in religious significance, and the first sector-wide industrialization efforts in centuries (I’m assuming some of the tech priests and bounty money will go to other worlds like Matapan and Wuhan that may soon fall under Taylor’s aegis) all timed perfectly with the expansion of the Astronomicon’s light could leave Nyx serving as a forward operating base for further expansion. Little can stop Taylor from exerting centralized control over the sector at this moment in my opinion, aside from an ultimatum from the navy or inquisition. Using the sector’s incoming spotlight spot and “in the name of the Emperor” I can see First Among Equals being set aside, at least until key reforms are passed and the fallout settles.


I wonder if the bacta can be used as a poison against chaos / eldar? simply fill bolter ammunition with it and you have a good anti psyker weapon. clearly it cannot be given to everyone, because it is too valuable for it, but officers etc. could already get a magazine.


No, it's far too useful in healing to be diverted for such a 'trivial' purpose. The Imperium has a lot of far cheaper and conventional devices to do the job...


I just hope we get a teaser in in some weeks... but it's just funny how the author's teasers are longer than several chapters by other authors.


I will begin work on the Interlude on Sunday. Hopefully, this mean that if work progresses well on it, there will be a consequent teaser next week around the 15. Hopefully...the plan is to have this (absolutely not extra-large) chapter finished before August ends (that is the process of writing is over after which I send it to my minion-betas).