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A larger section of the chapter I'm busy writing, for the last update of this month of March 2020. The schedule holds, so the complete chapter should be finished by April 5...hopefully.

I hope the last POV will satisfy the curiosity of some readers as to what happens when a certain someone finally decides to fight seriously...



Sergeant Jonas the first to fall you will be missed, Biel-Tan will burn for this and past transgressions that's for sure. And damn you really dont let up with the escalation so you keep it up! and ho boy Trazyn got balls of steel that for sure!


My favorite part was Trazn last line, it feels like a suitable boast


My god what is it with Anthony and cliff hangers recently?! I mean seriously this chapter is so good and we are just getting started but you have to leave us with two of the most bad ass people in existence about to engage in a fight that will probably put every anime or movie fight to shame. Like AHHHHHHHHHHHHH if I had three wishes I’d probably use one to travel forward in time to when this arc is done so I can read it all. But other than that this is the most hype I have ever been for a fight seen. Not even infinity war got me this excited. Keep up the good work and can’t wait for the Black Templar’s to come charging in at the most in inopportune of times, hopefully to just get backhanded across comoragh by someone.

Boris Michenski

Well, the ton changed abruptly. And as I suspected, Dawnbreaker Guard starts to take losses. Rest in peace Jonas, you did your duty. And so two "living" relics from War of heaven starts to duck it out. Trazyn gets serious and apparently even fights for the others. And Biel-Tan may have condemned Asurani... that may be the cause why Eldrand wanted to kill them himself.


Hmmm, what the hell was Objective H? We know I is screwing everyone and everything in Commoragh, including possibly Taylor herself. Furthermore, things that caught my attention was the mention of a Crown(What exactly IS the Queens lineage), Kaeran family makes a return, Wondering what the hell the Central Gate is. Since Khaines Gate is supposed to be the central gate that ties the webway together.

Brett Tamahori

I think the best hope the less crazy Eldar have of surviving the wroth of Weaver is to go after Biel-Tan themselves and hand it ot her wrapped up in a ribbon. They can even make an argument to other Craft-Worlds that by getting into that fight they were allying themselves with borderline Chaos worshipers. I don't see them doing it of course. Most Eldar aren't quite as bad as Craftworld "Can Be Relied On To Make The Worst Choice In Any Situation" Biel-Tan, but they aren't far off.


Wait wait wait, Trazyn is whaaaaaat, that whas unexpected (love the idea), and i love the parts the Malys pov, some of the most interesting parts of the chapter


Biel-Tan is doomed. And Trazyn vs Queen of Blades is badass stand-off. I’m quite sure Trazyn would survive, as he always does, but hopefully he does manage to stall her... A little :D

Michael Zalesny

First of all the obligatory "You magnificient Bastard". Great snippet of what i trust will be awe inspiring. Also, help, grandma (lelith) and grandpa (old grumpy trazyn) are fighting, someone come stop them! The I. DO. NOT. SLEEP. Bit was so deliciously trazyn its painful.

Michael Zalesny

I honestly expect her and her cohort to become THE experts in fighting human-style wars and will develop many a weapon system to reflect this. Imagine an Eldar's version of a baneblade?

Michael Zalesny

Also, Lelith's whimsical "let him get it out of his system" was hilarious. Like shes remembering better times

Boris Michenski

You know what's the worst? He doesn't eat either! Poor guy, no wonder he is so devoted to his Collection Quest...


Yep, this chapter is tragedy mixed with victories...and it's going to continue.


You will see...I will probably make a temporary post about the goals which have been revealed so far after this chapter.


Well, there's still have a Craftworld and many forces, but yes, now they're going to marked by destruction by the Imperium. And they don't have the (relative) protection offered by the Webway.


I'll note I was happy to see an Update, but sad it was rather smaller then I'd hoped for. That said I get the feeling that Weaver's enemies after this had better have one HELL of a deal to offer to get any takers that are aware of her capabilities. I hope Jonas gets a chance to find out from the Afterlife the cost Biel-Tan paid for their daring; I'm sure he will appreciate Taylor's vengeance being generously provided to those who brought her wrath out to play. I too hope our little Dark Eldar slave turned force commander makes more waves! The fact that Trayzn is a Badass doesn't surprise me; he was a Noble Necron in a time of war so savage the Warp STILL quivers from the aftershock even now, MILLIONS of Years after the War in Heaven ended. Now seeing him willingly stepping up to fight, without treasures to be had at the end of it? THAT surprises. Lilith's almost fond manner is a nice touch, and underlines we're seeing a reunion millions of years in the making. Kinda curious to see if Weaver and Trayzn end up facing the Queen together, and what might happen if the Legions of Excess dare interrupt the Duel before it's ended? Now THAT would be marvelous to see, now that I think about it! Think about it: the QoB Trayzn


I dare say after a three against the Legions would cause ALOT of various beings to go WTF?!

Boris Michenski

If by three you means QoB, Trazyn and Weaver, then it would be three + Swarm against Legions. So the WTF effect would be lesser.


It is interesting to see Trazyn is acting as a hero. He is deciding to stand his ground to let his allies a chance to escape. Wondering how many that will survive to remembers this encounter since the damage of this fight is not going to be limited.

Lee Moffat

Also wondering how many are going to end up terrified of Trazyn when he's seen to go all out, at first he was just the quirky kleptomaniac with ridiculously good tech... that he uses to steal almost randomly, but after seeing him hold off someone like Lelith...


Well, the next update will be bigger...since it will be the full chapter.


I also notice that everyone Trazyn respects, he steals from and then uses their outraged reaction to display his hurt feeling. Maybe this is not just his cleptomancy and insanity at play, but he is trying to resurrect some more bits of his emotions by pouring MAGMA into already turbulent relationships?


By any chance, does this "cthulhu" travel at speed of laser shot, as far as I read its I concluded that it a self regenerating lighting ball... That grows bigger to tank damage and regenerates after exploding. The point is that there are millions of Eldars and a single "ball"... What makes this cthulhu so destructive??does it split into a new cthulhu every time it explode??


It also sucks up many Eldar powers and unleashes sonic attacks the long-ears are particularly susceptible to. And of course yes, it replicates once it explodes...getting more dangerous as the battle continues.


the discovery of the space elevator model will help to build the orbital ring isn't it ?


I putting money down on the clowns stealing and then freeing the cthulhu at targeted areas. That thing is a promise of mass murder which mean the murdering clown will love it. Trazyn staying to fight... LOVED IT for all the reason mention above. I am going to disagree with the lord of change right now. That ship may cause trouble down the line, but having it enter this fight when I think it does will change the battle. I will agree that freeing it will make sure it will not hit him, but freeing it now will effect the long war. Plus reinforcements means Weaver could attack another sub-sector or more. STC value right now is priceless and will effect that long war.

Michael Zalesny

Probably, this gonna be good. Im looking forward to the buildup arc and the show down between nyx and Zion that was hinted at 60 years (or 55ish now) in the futur

Mackenzie Buckle

interesting to see one of the disgraced Generals redeem themselves.


Not all the potential trouble children will get a 'present' from their Commissar...


I seem to see this chapter a bit different than most here. Weaver was apparently near the frontlines and then she flies into rage when the people that she is slaughtering in the millions dare to attack their enemies' general and kill one one of her bodyguards? It seems more like a childish tantrum, in my opinion. The charge she ordered looked to me like exactly the thing she executes her subordinates for, only that her charge was a success. And then, Weaver promising the destruction of Biel-Tan? It could be that she did that in the heat of the moment but if not, it would be a step-up on the ladder of barbarism. After all, the Asuryani do not have to live around suffering like the Drukhari and on Biel-Tan are still about 50 % civilians. Of course, one could say that it doesn't mean much in Warhammer but that isn't strictly true. I think there is story where one of Vulkan's bodyguards gets killed and Vulkan murders a surrendering Eldar child and regrets it later. Which, actually, is an interesting parallel to what happens in this chapter. And regardless, Taylor still grew up with entirely different moral systems which seem to have taken a backseat at the moment. I felt it was more interesting as she regretted what she did to the Nyxian nobility but still thought it necessary. This contradiction in what she does and what she wants to be was a spice that is a bit missing since then, in my opinion. And concerning the Rashans, I thought that the relationship with xenos species could be an area of conflict between her and the Emperor since he always tried to exterminate all evidence that humans and xenos can, in fact, coexist in some cases. So, I hope that this story stays as interesting as it's been and thank the author for his work. As always, it's mind-boogling how much you are able to write.


I think the context you're missing there is that before she ordered the charge, before something managed to strike at her and the 20th, before all of her people started dying Biel-Tan started summoning demons. Whilst defending Slaanesh's greatest source of power. At this point they have done everything short of painting their armor pink and yelling 'for Slaanesh!' as far as Taylor's concerned so need to be exterminated for the safety of the galaxy. That they still need to achieve objectives in the Webway means they have to die right there and then instead of later at less cost.