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I've been able to advance well in three days, therefore there's a weekend teaser of 3000 words to reward all the patrons!

Of course I'm still very far, far from completion. As I mentioned yesterday, I have the structure of the chapter played out, and plenty of writing ahead of me. I'm close to 10000 words now, and I can say have reached a third of the final destination...well nothing but charge into the breach, I guess. The Emperor Protects! 


frank schellingerhout

thx for the update am now going to buy all the bug/vermin spray i can get my hands on ^^

Boris Michenski

Poor dumb Drukhari, you really thought one exterminatus-grade weapon will stop Weaver? Even if I'm somewhat confused, how is Taylor controlling her army which is layoing the siege? The tunnel-gates linking different subrealms must be well over a kilometre long... Just how ranhed is her ability now, with Golden Queens? And Ambulls... I honestly didn't thought about it, I always associated them with the beast that nearly ate Luke at the beggining of Empire Strikes Back. But with their ability to dig... oh, it gonna be bad for defenders. Thanks for this teaser ))


We got a hint of the saints range when the white scar space marine talked about the light. The real question I have, does every sub-realm have to be connected to Khaine gate?

Alexander S

So bets on how long before the Dynasts start having particularly insect-like looking Aeldari executed on general principle? Also amusing is the idea that far in the future there might be Eldar raids on newly colonized planets just to wipe out a new insect species so that Maelsha’eil Dannan can't get her hands on them. :D


Any Eldare that will survive this slaughter is going to have flash back as soon as they encounter the Tyranids in the future. They ether going to run to the other side of the galaxy and/or try to find a way to kill them before they can find a planet to increase there numbers.


Unfortunately for the long-ears peace of mind, they're going to run into the same trouble that the Emperor's shadowy hand mentioned to a certain recently revived Space Marine. If the Empire couldn't obliterate every insect in the galaxy, the much smaller Eldar factions will find it even more impossible. Now, this don't mean they can't TRY, they have a noted stubbornness after all.....


At least we have an Idea what made Taylor decide, "We'll start our tour with THIS bastion; after all, they just showcased a rather pretty little weapon there, so they'll likely have MORE goodies for us!"


Well the Drukhari are going to suffer multiple defeats as Weaver plays chicken with the hordes of insects she takes control from their local populations. All those troops and effort to cull the Hellspider and other populations will also divert a large amount of active and skilled combat troops from the front lines where they could be more useful. There is also the issue that slave uprisings could start to occur at any time as more of the slave masters troops are drawn away and replaced with fresh from the Vat conscripts. This is not forgetting she has other weapons she can likely use if needed and have not yet been revealed yet. Many of the preferred methods of combat will no longer work since they are getting close to siege and city fighting compared to the fast moving combat they naturally prefer. It is hurt even more since the Dark Elves do not field any heavy Knight or Titan class walkers, which is a major advantage the Imperials will make good use of.


Very tasty. I’m amazed at quality of your writing and sheer escalation curve. Warhammer does provide with plenty of escalation options, but you’re using those superbly!


Khaine's Gate was in many ways the first sub-realm and the cornestone of Commorragh, being the most direct connection to the Aeldari capital...


In fact Taylor was always going to attack Zel'harst because one of the Objectives is there. But I love your reasoning...


Yes, this isn't a great time to be a Drukhari. Though while they don't have Knight and Titans, they have...horrifying things that they will try. Whether it works since most of these methods haven't been tested in a long, long time is another question entirely...

Boris Michenski

By the way, if Imperial foces are attacking Zel'harst, where would Necrons go? Because from the map, they have no way to go anywhere else. And let's not forget, that the last time we have seen Thiel, he was also there. And I doubt even a veteran Space Marine would be able to travel between different Sub Realms - there must be security. So he is here, and has probably heard enought to understand, that it is truly an Imperial forces attacking. So he may succomb to the temptation of doing some sabotage...


This you will discover in the following parts, I'm afraid. But let's just say no one is for the moment lacking Eldar to exterminate.

Lee Moffat

This teaser reminded me of an obvious factor determining their success. Taylor has to attack some areas to achieve her objectives which could lead to significantly more casualties, on the other hand, Taylor doesn't have to attack other areas unless they are in the way of objectives. All the amazing defences of two of the Citadels could potentially be ignored if there are no relevant objectives to be found at those locations. Perhaps they'll even be able to pull off another exterminatus style attack on one of them if any of those weapons can be fired through the portals.


True. But every sub-realm they don't want can't be left to its own devices. There are a lot of Eldar converging on Commorragh, and a one-way predictable offensive is a good way to be flanked and outmanoeuvered. As for the Exterminatus, you can't use them too much. The more they are used, the more the Dark Eldar will be tempted to use similar weapons on the beachheads of the Port of Lost Souls. And even the Inquisition doesn't have an unlimited supply of them (one is in general sufficient to kill a planet after all).

Mackenzie Buckle

I like that quote from the Ecclesiarchy Priest it helps set the mood. will surviving Drukhari take refuge on various craftworlds?


Well, the more sub-realms of Commorragh are destroyed, the more Drukhari are likely to consider that option. of course, it remains to be seen if the Craftworld they beg admission into will accept them.


Signed up as a patron because I needed my fix of Weaver-brand improbable bullshit. I was not at all disappointed. A request though. Could we have her hang on to a few of the more horrific friends she makes in the bowels of Commarragh? I really think the Vandires will appreciate the novelty of them when they inevitably do something unspeakably stupid.


Thanks! And don't worry, not all Helspiders have been destroyed. Taylor each time is keeping a large reserve of each species for...horrific reasons (from an Eldar and Vandire point of view).